Page 65 of When He's Dark (The Olympus Pride 1)
Drina’s spine snapped straight. “Your woman? You can’t really be serious about her. She’s your cousin’s mate, for God’s sake! A cousin who’s back on the scene, who’ll want to claim her!”
Bree’s cat hissed. Like Bree, the feline wanted to believe that Calvin was responsible for leaving the necklaces. The alternative was just too much of a mindfuck.
“Hell, everyone knows she’s going to snap like her mother!”
“Looks to me like the one close to snapping is you,” sniped Alex.
Hissing, Drina unsheathed her claws and went to swipe out at him. Bree got there fast—restraining her arms and pinning them behind her, angling the feline’s wrists toward her back so that her claws wouldn’t stab anyone but herself.
“That was a really bad idea,” said Bree, her cat’s snarl echoing loud in her ears. “Now, it’s time for you to go. I wouldn’t bother coming back—the enforcers guarding my house will be instructed not to less you pass. Do us all a favor, Drina, and concentrate on your own life instead of obsessing over Alex.”
A flush swept across the bitch’s cheeks. “I can’t go anywhere until you get the fuck off me.”
“Sheathe those claws, and I’ll let you go.”
Drina did so with another hiss.
Wicked fast, Bree released her and shoved her toward the door. “Seriously, don’t come back.”
Glaring at her, Drina clenched her fists. “Fuck you both.” She marched out of the house, slamming the door shut behind her.
Alex rounded on Bree. “Why the hell did you let her in?”
“She said she wanted to talk to someone. I decided to give her the benefit of the doubt. It quickly became clear that she had an agenda, though.”
“You didn’t suspect that already?”
“Yes, but I’m an omega, Alex. I can’t turn someone away unless they give me reason to, even if that someone is harassing the man in my life.” Bree leaned back against the island. “The snapping of the imprint bond has left her feeling incomplete. Hollow. Fragile, even—though she’ll never admit to it. It makes sense that she’d try latching onto someone strong and solid like you.”
“I’ll be reporting this to Vinnie tomorrow morning,” he said, crossing the space to Bree. “He warned her to stay away; she didn’t.”
“Well, technically she hasn’t disobeyed his warning. I mean, she came to me. Not to you.”
“She came to you to get to me. We both know it. I’ll tell the enforcers guarding the house not to let her pass again. I’ve already instructed Greg to never allow her to enter Pot of Gold. If she approaches you in the street—”
“I’ll deal with it. I’m not a wilting flower, Alex.”
“Yeah, I’ve noticed that.” He lifted her and set her on the kitchen island. “But I’ll always worry about you,” he said, insinuating himself between her thighs. “Always want your life to be free of that kind of bullshit.”
“Sweet of you, but this is a pride of pallas cats. We’re mean. You know that.”
He snickered. “I do. Mila proves it every day.” Sobering, he added, “Don’t let Drina shake your faith in me. I heard what she said. You have to know none of it was true. You have to know I haven’t slept with her since long before she and Giles even got together.”
“Of course I know that. She pissed me off, but she didn’t shake my faith in you. I have to say I’m glad it bugs you that she might have done, though. It tells me you’re at least reasonably content with what we have.”
“I’m not sick of you yet, so I’d say things are going all right.”
“Yeah? Hmm, well, you know something? I’m starting to think you detest me even less than you used to.”
“Maybe a little less. But just a little.”
Bree flapped a hand. “Oh, stop with the romantic stuff, Alex, you’ll make me blush.”
“If I said some corny shit like you’re a damn candle in the fucking darkness or something, you’d laugh your gorgeous tits off. See?” he said when she burst out laughing.
“It was just the last thing I expected you to say.”
“Hmm. Now, give me that mouth I’ve missed.”
Bree pressed her lips to his, and Alex instantly took over. He thrust his tongue into her mouth and devoured her like he’d been starved for her. He buried his fingers in her hair as he angled her head, making the kisser deeper. Wetter. Hotter.
Alex kissed and nipped his way down her neck. “You smell of cherries.”
“New soap.”
He hummed. “I like it. What I’d like to know is … did you use it everywhere?”
A smile tugged at her mouth. “Maybe.”
“So, basically, I won’t find out until I have you spread out beneath me.”
“I need to go earth in the yard first.”
“I’ll go with you.” He slid his hands under her thighs and lifted her; she curled her limbs around him. He walked to the back door, adding, “Then you can relax on your recliner and read.”