Page 56 of When He's Dark (The Olympus Pride 1)
Her mouth tightened for a moment. “I’ll accept that it’s something to consider. But it doesn’t add up. I mean, what reason could Paxton possibly have for hiding in the shadows?”
“He’d know I wouldn’t allow him to return to the pride after all he’s done since leaving; he’d know I’d officially banish him and that, as such, our pride mates would always be on the lookout for him. Coming out into the open wouldn’t be to his benefit. I’m not saying this is the situation. I’m just saying it’s a theory we should consider.”
“All right. Let’s say that your theory is right. Why would he suddenly make his presence known?”
“You publicly renounced your claim on him,” Alex cut in. “I doubt he’d have liked that, whether he wanted you for himself or not. Now it’s clear you’re with me, which he also wouldn’t like. And as Moira said, Paxton never shared well. Maybe he wants you to at least consider that he’s alive so that you’re too scared to be with another male.”
She shook her head. “I told you earlier, he cares nothing for me. He’d see me dead if he could.”
“See you dead?” echoed Vinnie, frowning. “I doubt that’s likely.”
Alex tipped his chin toward his uncle and said, “Tell him, Bree. He needs to know.”
Her shoulders drooping a little, she repeated what Paxton had said to her before he left.
His face reddening, Vinnie cursed. “Why didn’t you say anything?”
She shrugged. “I was just happy that he was gone. Now can we move onto the whole questioning Calvin thing?”
“Yeah, I’d say it’s time to get some answers.” Alex held his hand out to Vinnie, who placed the necklace on his palm. “Which one of us is leading the interrogation?” Alex always did the main bulk of interrogating, but Vinnie liked to play the part of sort-of-good-cop.
“I’ll set the tone and get him talking,” said Vinnie. “Then you take over. But no beating answers out of him. Not when there’s a chance this wasn’t him—we can’t even think of a rational reason why Calvin would have done this. He’s a good guy.”
Bree rolled back her shoulders. “I want to be there.”
“It’s best if you stay here with Tate at first. Alex and I will be asking Calvin questions he won’t feel comfortable answering in front of you.”
She ground her teeth. “One touch from me and—”
“It’s unlikely that he’ll consent to you reading his emotions,” said Vinnie. “If I thought he was guilty, I’d tell you to do it against his will, but we both know you wouldn’t—it’s not who you are. If he doesn’t answer my questions to my satisfaction, I’ll call you in and have you talk to him.”
Bree exhaled heavily. “All right.”
Alex gave her nape a squeeze and then followed Vinnie through the apartment and into a small, sparse bedroom. Leaning against the wall, Luke stared at the furious-looking male cat who sat on a wooden chair.
Alex’s inner beast growled as it picked up the same scent it had found in Bree’s kitchen. The animal was still raging. Alex suspected his beast wouldn’t calm down any time soon.
Calvin’s hard eyes darted from Vinnie to Alex. “I really hope someone’s going to tell me what this is about. Luke hauled me in here but won’t say why.” He went to stand, but Vinnie waved a hand, gesturing for him to stay put.
The Alpha took the seat opposite Calvin, which was the only other chair in the room. “I can understand your frustration.” Vinnie stretched his legs out in front of him and crossed them at the ankles. “But there’s been a bit of confusion, and we feel there’s a good chance you can clear it all up for us.” He cocked his head. “I’m curious. Just how long have you had a thing for your brother’s true mate?”
The male’s eyes flickered, but he didn’t respond.
Vinnie lifted a brow. “You do want her, don’t you? I doubt that will wash down well with your mother—she’s holding onto the hope that Paxton will come back for Bree. How do you think he’d feel about your wish to have her for yourself?”
“What does that matter? She’s with Alex now anyway. And it’s not like Paxton’s ever coming back.”
“You sound very sure of that.”
Calvin sighed. “It’s been twelve years of no contact from him. I think it’s pretty obvious at this point that he’s not coming home. If you want my opinion, he’s dead.”
“No one’s heard anything of him for four years now. That says it all.”
Vinnie twisted his mouth. “I can’t help but notice that you don’t sound particularly upset that your brother could be dead.”
Calvin shrugged one shoulder. “I’ve had a long time to get used to the idea, that’s all.”
“Did he ever contact you at any point since leaving the pride?”
“No. Nor did he contact anyone from my family.”