Page 133 of When He's Dark (The Olympus Pride 1)
They eventually approached his family, who’d formed a huddle near the bar. After they’d all exchanged greetings, Mila smiled at him and said, “I can see you’re more than ready to leave.”
“I was ready to leave a minute after I walked in,” Alex grumbled.
Mila went to say something else, but then she caught sight of something that made her brows lift. “I’m surprised Dani’s parents came—they must feel pretty awkward, considering their daughter betrayed Bree purely to keep a position of power. I can understand their pain. I mean, our own aunt was part of that shit. It hurts, you know.”
Alex did know. Bernadette had targeted his mate. He couldn’t help thinking he should have seen and stopped it before it went any further. Bree, however, felt that was completely stupid and accused him of liking to shoulder blame. And that was just not true at all.
His father and Vinnie were still struggling to forgive their sister’s betrayal. No one felt that Alex’s family should have suspected Bernadette was involved, just as no one blamed Dani’s parents for their daughter’s part in it all. Everyone had rallied around them.
They probably would have also rallied around Moira if she wasn’t in the wind. She’d sent Vinnie a text, telling him she wouldn’t be returning to the pride and that she just couldn’t face everyone after what her mother did. Considering Moira hadn’t told anyone that Bernadette confessed to working with Dani, no one was at all heartbroken.
Neither Mateo nor Drina were answering anyone’s calls, so no one had a clue if they meant to return. Since Vinnie would likely banish them both, they had no real reason to do so. It was easier for all concerned that they hadn’t come back.
“It makes sense that Dani and Bernadette joined forces,” said Valentina. “Weak people are drawn to each other. Like magnets. You know I despise weakness.”
“And yet,” began James, “you welcomed the man slave and Skeletor to the party.”
Valentina’s eyes flared. “James Devereaux, you will cease calling my mother Skeletor.”
“I’ll stop calling her Skeletor when she stops calling me Andras.”
“It is just pet name. Is it her fault you look like an Andras?”
“Don’t think I don’t know she’s referring to the Grand Marquis of Hell.”
Clearly struggling not to laugh, Bree turned to Vinnie, Tate, and Luke. “You all enjoying yourselves?”
“There’s beer and food—what’s not to like?” asked Luke.
Vinnie glanced at her stomach. “When are you going to add a few kids to the pride?”
“Our boys will come when they’re ready,” Alex cut in, curling his arm tight around her waist. “Hopefully a decade or so apart.” He didn’t want to spend his life dealing with an Elle and Damian scenario.
“It would be for the best,” said Luke. “I think Tate and I would have gotten along much better if we hadn’t been so close in age.”
Tate grimaced at his brother. “You do? Really?”
Luke’s lips tightened. “You’re saying you don’t?”
“I can’t imagine getting along with someone who once took a shit in my closet.”
“It wouldn’t have happened if you hadn’t tried to shove my face down the toilet.”
Tate shrugged. “It seemed the easiest way to drown you.”
Vinnie cleared his throat. “So, Bree, how does it feel to be the primary omega?”
“I haven’t had the position long enough to really get used to it,” replied Bree. “But I’m doing my best.”
“Which is all anyone can ask of you,” said Alex. The omega others had accepted her ascension a lot better than she’d expected. Alex wondered if it was partly that they felt shitty for having sided with Dani, who’d turned out to be an absolute crank.
“Oh, here we go,” James grumbled.
Tracking his gaze, Alex saw that his maternal grandparents walked through the front door. Bree hadn’t officially met them yet, since they’d only just arrived in the US.
His grandmother smiled at Alex. “Ah, my Aleksandr. You look so handsome.” She gave Bree a gracious smile. “You must be Breasha. I am Olga. This is my mate, Petya.”
Bree frowned. “Is … is he okay? I mean, he’s drooling and staring into space.”
Olga’s nose wrinkled. “Oh, it is … what is term? Drug abuse.”
“You mean you abuse him by drugging him all the time,” James accused.
Olga lifted one shoulder. “Is that not same?”
“Not even close.” James leaned into Alex and whispered, “Dysfunctional, thy name is Olga. Oh, speaking of dysfunctional …”
Joining their group, Isaak grinned at Bree. “Ah, Breasha. You look beautiful.” He looked at Alex. “You made good choice. She is full package—beauty, strength, boldness. All female wolverines are.”
James sighed. “Bree is a pallas cat.”
Isaak scowled at him. “She has soul of wolverine, like our Milena. You are just jealous that you are waste of skin, bone, and fur.”
“I can honestly say I’ve never wished I was anything at all like you,” said James.
“Because psychopaths like what they are. Manson was perfect example.”