Page 100 of When He's Dark (The Olympus Pride 1)
The front door opened, and Elle strolled inside. It took all of five seconds for her to notice the claiming bite on Bree’s neck. Her eyes darted from Alex to Bree, taking in all the brands. She squealed. “You guys imprinted on each other? How fucking amazing is this?”
While Elle demanded all the details from Bree, James turned to Alex and said, “I’m guessing you’re staying here all day today.”
“You guessed right,” said Alex. His protective instincts were on overdrive. Plus, honestly, he just plain wanted to be with her. He’d never liked being away from her, and he liked the idea even less now.
His mother had long ago warned him how hard it was for a wolverine to be separated from their mate; that their need to be with them was something close to a compulsion. But he hadn’t imagined that would apply to him, given that he didn’t have a high need for social contact. But being apart from Bree … yeah, he didn’t even like the thought of it. She was easy to be around, though. She didn’t feel compelled to fill a silence or load the atmosphere with so much bubbliness that he felt exhausted by her.
It was still a little strange to be partially mated, but it didn’t unsettle him. Instead, it gave him a sense of fulfilment he hadn’t realized he was missing.
“Just do not stand around brooding,” Valentina told Alex. “Your scowls will scare people away.”
He frowned. “I don’t brood.”
His mother gave him a droll look. “Have we not discussed this before? You know I do not like to repeat myself.”
Seeing that Bree was still deep in conversation with Elle, he moved closer to his mother and said, “Maybe we could move the celebratory dinner to tomorrow. She’s still a little fatigued after the memorial yesterday—it took a lot out of her.”
“Bah. She will be fine. Our Bree is strong.”
“Yes, she’s strong. But she also looks—and probably feels—hungover. Have a little compassion.”
“Compassion? What is compassion? I not know this word. Sounds like weakness.”
Alex sighed. Whatever.
As the hours went on, he kept himself busy. If he wasn’t in his office, he was working on the door with Greg or helping the others with various things.
The day was pretty uneventful, if you didn’t count the amount of times a pride mate stopped by to see if the imprinting rumors were true. It was shortly before Pot of Gold was due to close that Vinnie, Ingrid, Tate, and Luke showed up.
Smiling, Ingrid strode over to Alex and caught his face with her hands. “I’m thrilled for you. I really am. Bree’s a keeper.” She released his face. “I will admit you had me worried that you’d live your life alone—I didn’t want that for my favorite grandson.”
Luke frowned at her and whined, “Hey.” Tate only rolled his eyes.
Vinnie clapped Alex on the back. “I’m happy for you. It’s good that you got your shit together.”
Alex pressed his lips together. “You’re the third person to say that.”
Vinnie shrugged. “Well, we were all thinking it.”
Before heading back to Alex’s apartment after work, he and Bree went to the communal yard at the rear of his complex and gave their animals freedom.
The wolverine gently butted the cat, who playfully swatted his muzzle with her paw. They chased each other through the long, wild grass. Climbed and explored the trees. Lapped at the small pond.
They tussled and rolled and played until tiredness set in. Only then, satisfied that each wore the other’s scent, did they shift back to their human forms.
Alex hadn’t expected to wake up and find himself alone. He’d gotten used to waking up to the sight of Bree right there—whether it be in her bed or his. He liked it. Liked that she was the first thing he saw when he opened his eyes each morning. Liked that he could reach out and touch her, stroke her, drive her to a fever pitch of need. So he found himself glowering as he padded through his apartment, following the trail of her delectable scent.
His beast’s ears pricked up when said scent changed and turned a little feral. Her cat had surfaced and was somewhere close.
Feeling eyes on him as he walked into the kitchen, Alex looked up. And blinked. “What are you doing all the way up there?”
Curled up on the top of the fridge with her bushy tail wrapped around her, his little pallas cat lifted her head and gave him a cranky “how dare you breathe my air” look.
Alex shrugged. “All right.”
One of her small, tufty ears twitched, and then she settled down again. It was clear he’d be having breakfast alone—something he wasn’t too happy about, since he’d also gotten used to having it with Bree.
Inwardly grumbling, he made himself coffee and cereal. It wasn’t until he’d finished his second bowl that the feline leaped down onto the table, all grace and muscle. Claws out, she did a long, regal stretch.