Page 41 of The Favor
He did in fact do that.
“And didn’t you once tell me that he always seems to pick up on what you’re thinking? Well, psychopaths are masters at noticing micro-expressions. You know, the lightning-fast changes in our facial muscles?”
I folded my arms across my chest. “How is it you know so much about psychopaths?”
“I looked them up so I could study him for you. He ticks a lot of the boxes.”
I let out a heavy breath. “Ashley, he’s not a psychopath.”
“Why be in denial about it? It doesn’t have to be a bad thing. Not all psychopaths kill. Some are very productive members of society.”
“Heather’s not a productive member.”
“She’s not a psychopath. She’s just a fucking nutjob. I tell ya, I’m surprised her skin hasn’t turned a deep shade of green. She’s bitter with envy. This makes me very happy.”
Just then, my father sidled up to us. “What makes you very happy?” he asked, his voice light and lilting. As I took in the warmth and softness in his expression and the effeminate air he now carried, I knew I wasn’t looking at my father.
I smiled. “Hi, Maggie. Enjoying yourself?”
“Oh, I’m enjoying watching you and your new man,” said Maggie. “I was hoping that my saying hello would throw him for a loop, but he didn’t bat an eyelid. He was very polite and respectful. I like that. And I like how he is with you. He looks at you like you’re the only thing worth his attention.”
Ashley nodded. “He is totally into you, Vienna. It’s the only reason I’m not panicking for you.”
Maggie’s brow creased. “Why would you panic for her? Oh, you mean because he’s a psychopath?”
I felt a growl bubble up my throat. “Come on, seriously?” They had to have gotten together beforehand and decided to tease me with this crap for their own entertainment.
Maggie shrugged. “What? You don’t think we’re right? Deacon is convinced of it. But he still likes Dane; likes that you have someone who can protect you. We all do. Even Freddie. He’s not ready to meet Dane yet, though. He needs a little time.”
“He can have as much time as he needs—there’s no rush,” I said.
“That’s what I told him. Now you go on back to Dane, Vienna. You can’t invite someone to a get-together and then leave them on their own for too long—it’s rude.”
Trust Maggie to care about that sort of thing. I headed out to the backyard … just in time to watch Heather try to pinch Dane’s ass.
Nancy swatted her hand. “Have a little pride, Heather. It’s so sad when a young lady shows no self-respect.”
Anger flickered to life in the pit of my stomach. It was one thing for Heather to flirt like an idiot. It was another for her to try to touch him. But I knew why she’d stepped up her game—she hadn’t gotten the reaction from me that she’d hoped for. She wanted to piss me off, ruin the day, and force me to make a spectacle of myself in front of my boyfriend by getting into an argument with her.
Not willing to give her what she wanted, I ignored her as I swiped a bowl of chips from the table and crossed to Dane and Wyatt.
Dane’s lips kicked up. “You’re back. And you’re bearing gifts.” He took a chip, stuffed it in his mouth, and then splayed his hand on my lower back; it felt like a claim. “I thought you’d gotten lost.”
“Ashley and Maggie were feeling chatty.” I tossed a chip into my mouth. “What are we talking about?”
“Fishing,” replied Wyatt.
Well, then I would not have much to contribute to the conversation. I mostly stayed silent as the two men talked, happy to simply listen and munch on the chips. At one point, Dane loosely curved his arm around my neck and gently tugged me closer. I leaned into him, hoping I looked as content and at ease as I needed to.
When Wyatt walked away to take a call, Dane and I found ourselves alone. Which was nice, because it gave me a short rest from acting. So I almost snarled when Heather came over.
“You’ll never guess who I saw a few days ago,” she said to me. “Owen. He was coming out of his aunt’s house. I would have gone over to say hi, but he left in a bit of a hurry.”
Owen wouldn’t have given her a second of his time. He loathed Heather with a passion.
“I spoke with his aunt a little,” Heather went on. “She said he’s getting divorced. Apparently, it was amicable at first, but then his soon-to-be-ex-wife turned all bitter. She and their daughter have gone to stay with her parents in Washington for a while. I’ll bet all this makes you feel better about him breaking off your engagement to go marry someone else. It didn’t work out so well for him, did it?” She gasped. “Oh, shit, you have already told Dane about Owen, haven’t you?”