Page 97 of The Squad
It’s not flowery and sweet, or wild and passionate, or even unbridled lust, or not just. It’s all of those things rolled into one. No matter what I’ve done, who I’ve been with before, whomever I thought might’ve been the one in my untried youth when pussy was like the best thing ever, as I looked down into her almond-shaped eyes, I couldn’t remember shit that had come before.
She had a grip on my heart and balls. Something inside of her reached out to me, some essence, and wrapped itself around my very being, captivating me. I could’ve stayed there like this, just buried inside the soft heat of her flesh, leaking precum into her every few seconds, and been satisfied. But then she blinked, and the look in her eyes changed, and what I saw there made me cry out as I lowered my head to hers once more, sealing her lips with mine.
When her hand opened on my back and was no longer fisted, I felt that last bit of resistance leave her and was free to give in to the lust and need that was riding me hard. Stars burst into light behind my lids as I started moving in her. Her pussy clung to my rod like a second skin, her tightness making me want to pull out and do laps around the room because she felt so unbelievably good.
But that can’t happen, won’t because as I’m never pulling out. Why the fuck would I? Nothing has ever felt this good. Being inside her felt like everything good in my life culminated in this one thing, and my senses were on fire. And when she lifted her legs and wrapped them around my ass, drawing me in deeper, I felt her climb all the way inside my heart.
I had the presence of mind and barely the strength of will to go easy on her this first time, but now that I knew she could take me without tearing, she was going to be in for a long ride. I wanted to do it all with her at once, but the shit was too good, and I almost embarrassed myself by cumming too soon.
Instead, I reached down between us and found her swollen clit, manipulating it with my fingers until her juices flowed down my shaft, making it easier for me to fuck into her with more powerful strokes. “Fuck baby…” Words failed me after that, and I lost hearing in first one, then both ears.
My skin began to tingle from my head down to my toes, and I felt my cock grow longer, harder, thicker inside her. I could no longer hear the sound of the bed slamming into the wall behind it, but I knew it was happening, could see it with my eyes. The first thing I heard when my hearing came back to me was the sweet sound of her cries as she held onto me. Sweet mercy!
Pussy is not supposed to be this good. Now I get it. Why my brother is so gone over Ash, why those men upstairs look at their women like they’re carrying around their life force in their damn pockets. It’s because they’ve all found this, their true life mate. Her pussy snapped around my cock as if realizing that my mind had strayed and dragged my attention back to her.
There was something in her eyes, a light that wasn’t there before and when I felt her tighten up to cum, something inside me went wild. “Forgive me!” Poor thing, that’s the only warning she got before I let loose on her ass. There was no escape because I’d left off teasing her clit to hold her ass in both hands, holding her in place for my pounding thrusts.
I could barely hold her gaze with mine any longer because it felt like I was losing my soul. The emotion was too much. Too raw, too strong, and when I felt my balls tighten up, the thought of cumming inside of a woman bare for the first time felt like the best thing in the world.
I came hard, long and deep, and she took it all. Her cries had grown hoarse and faint, and I fed her my tongue as I jerked the last of my seed off inside her while her pussy clenched and released rhythmically as if to empty my balls of everything. In the back of my mind, I heard the words ‘breeding shot.’
Instead of fear and panic, I found myself smiling down at her, and in the next few seconds, for some inexplicable reason, I was rolling around the bed with her held close to my heart, laughing like a lunatic. Have you ever held something so precious that it was scary and humbling while making you feel ten feet tall all at the same time? That’s how I felt at that very moment, and I never wanted the feeling to end.