Page 62 of The Squad
To me, she’s one of the most intelligent minds in the universe. If she fell into the wrong hands, she’d be exploited the fuck out of. I don’t want to exploit; I want to give her what she needs to grow. I want what she is to be the best it can be because what that is, is fucking spectacular.
I couldn’t come right out and tell him, so I took a different route. “Where has your dog been since you got here, Colton?” First, he looked at me like I was nuts, then I quirked my brow at him. It took him a second.
“Fuck me!”
“What about the dog? What’s going on?” Tyler asked, and we had to give the others a condensed version of what had gone down at Lyon’s place. Some of them thought that shit was funny, but Lyon looked like he was ready to expire.
“No, but wait, the pothead has been taking him for runs on the beach and shit, he hasn’t really been around anything.” I tapped on a few more keys and brought up recordings from the last day and a half. I, too, had slept on this, but since we’ve caught her once already, my mind was moving ahead of me.
On the screen, everything looked normal, even the times when the dog found itself outside the office door. He just laid there like he was asleep for about an hour or two. We saw the Flanagans arrive, then a little while later, we saw Catalina come to fetch the dog. “That must be when I turned it off; I didn’t want her to hear what was being said, Flanagan, because as you now know, she’s sharing the information with your daughter and their little friend.”
“I still don’t get it. What does this have to do with you letting the kid be dragged off by the women?”
“Just watch Colton, just watch.” On the screen, we watched as Catalina led the dog into the room where the women had been gathered the day before. I thought for sure she’d go to her mother, but she went instead to my wife.
Cierra rubbed the dog down playfully, and if you weren’t looking, you would’ve missed the sleight of hand when she removed something from his collar. “That’s some smooth shit right there, Hank. You taught your wife that shit?”
“She’s not the only one, Cord.” The room went silent as Kat praised her daughter and the other women rushed Cierra to find out what was on the device.
“Holy…are you kidding me?” Logan stared at his wife through the screen with his hands on his head while the others gathered around the glass wall staring in disbelief.
“Shh, be careful. I don’t trust Hank not to have this place bugged. We’ll look at it later.” My darling wife pocketed her little spy device and went back to cooing at our daughter.
“Let’s take the kids for a walk on the beach, come here, Bunny; you did good.” I think I heard Lyon groan at his wife’s comment.
“Not me, mommy Lily Anna is here. We have a lot of stuff.” Now he buried his face in his hand. I almost feel sorry for this guy.
“So, what do we do about this now?” Connor was still staring at the monitor in shock. In fact, all the men seemed to be.
I’m not sure why we’ve talked about this. The women have been up to something for months; I’ve told them about their plots and schemes to get to the candidate and now this. Still, They all always act surprised when some shit like this happens. Then again, I’m not much better. I know my woman is a FED, but I didn’t know her ass could be this sneaky.
I switched the screen back to live feed where the women were laughing and talking like it was just another day at the beach. It was obvious they were going out of their way to make Roxana feel comfortable, and it seemed to be working since she was now doing more than picking at her food.
“Now, we do a sweep. I’ll have my people take care of it, but if my wife got into my stash, we’re screwed.” I can’t believe Catalina double-crossed me. I started laughing uproariously, and Lyon gave me the side-eye. “Dafuq is wrong with you?”
“I love your kid.” I slapped him on the shoulder and went back to watching the screen. Two can play at this game.
“Come on, Lily Anna, something’s wrong.” Why does it keep going off? I know I didn’t have enough time to plant the device under uncle Hank’s desk that first day, but it didn’t need that much done to it, and anyway, it had been working just fine when I tested it out at home. Now it keeps going in and out at odd times, so I need to get in there and take care of it, but all of the men are in there still, so nope.