Page 38 of The Squad
Why the hell won’t he just leave me alone? I can tell by the way he looks at me that he finds me attractive, and when he growled at the other men for getting too close, I must admit to feeling a dip in the pit of my stomach. It reminded me of those stupid movies I used to watch about people falling in love. Too bad for him, I’m damaged goods and things like that are not a part of my life and never will be.
He didn’t fight back when I came at him but defended himself with blocks and maneuvers until I went for his balls. I knew the security team had been alerted, could feel their stares in the dark but didn’t care. If I could take Jason down a quick sprint to the wall and over and I’ll be gone. But he had to go and say some stupid shit that stopped me in my tracks.
My face reddened, but thank goodness it was too dark for anyone to see. I couldn’t let him get away with that nonsense, though. Where the hell does he get off? We just met like two minutes ago, and already he’s talking about kids? Jackass!
“You need not do anything that may constitute you procreating or reproducing those idiot genes of yours. Gguh-juh byung-shin.”
“You done?” Him and that damn sneer. I didn’t bother answering; just turned to walk away. It was obvious I wasn’t going to get away this time, so I was going back to the house to regroup. “Asshole!” I couldn’t resist one last parting shot.
I felt him come up behind me before he pulled me around by my shoulder, and before I knew what he was about, I felt his lips on mine. They didn’t linger, wasn’t even there long enough for me to feel the pressure of them before he lifted his head again.
“What did you do that for?” I folded my fists, ready to deck him, and hoped he didn’t notice how weak my knees had become.
“Every time you spit fire at me with that tongue of yours or use foul language, you’ll get more of the same.”
“Humph!” I stomped away from him before I made a fool of myself. For the first time since I can remember, I was at a loss for words.
I had a big stupid grin on my face as I followed her inside until I remembered her past, and it struck me hard in the gut that after all, she’d been through maybe it wasn’t such a good idea to just grab her and kiss her like that. I felt sick to my stomach at the reminder, and my attitude took a nosedive.
What the fuck is wrong with me? That’s not like me at all. But she was being so damn adorable with her combat shit, and I’ve wanted to since the moment we met. I’ve wanted to do a lot of things with her, to her since the moment we met, but for once, I’m at a loss as to how to proceed with a woman.
This is something I’d usually talk to my brother about to get another perspective from the person I trust most in life, but he wasn’t here, and I had a more pressing issue on my hands. It’s as if that kiss had opened up a window in my mind, and I realized that I couldn’t treat Roxana the way I would anyone else. As tough as she is, and I don’t think for a second that she’s pretending, there’s still some damage there lingering beneath the surface.
I’ve never learned how to be soft, not with anyone except my sister and nieces, and I damn sure don’t want to treat her the way I treat them, gross. But I need to go slow, take it easy with her and bring her along to my way of thinking. That means no more knocking her out unless I absolutely have to. Funny how her almost kicking my ass has made me see the need to mollycoddle her.
“If you plan on taming that one son, you’re gonna have to stay on your toes, or she’d have your guts for garters…literally.” Lyon’s voice came from the doorway of the room where the others were still gathered. “You saw that?” Shit, the whole place is surrounded by one-way windows, and the house has some kind of weird shit in the walls that allow you to hear everything that’s going on outside while keeping what’s happening inside from leaking out.
For an answer, he just raised his brow, so I took that to mean they all had. “By the way, there’s going to be a change of plans.”
“What’s that?”
“I’m not going to knock her out again…not unless she balks at getting on the plane with us. I’m gonna go up and have a talk with her; then we can leave.” Even as I said the words, I knew I was biting off more than I could chew.