Page 32 of The Squad
“What did you just call me?” There was a snicker in the room before one half of the wall lit up, and Mancini’s face swam into view. “It’s Korean. She’s either telling you you’re diseased or she’s calling you a motherfucker.”
“Mancini, you spy fuck. You have this place rigged?” Lyon seemed more interested in that than in the fact that there was a deadly female out for blood in the room.
Mancini didn’t answer him, just turned his attention to her. “Hello Roxanna, I’m Hank, and these gentlemen are here to help you.”
“I don’t need anyone’s help. Where have you brought me?” She looked around the room, which looked like a room in any mansion would. But I imagine after what she’d been through that the beauty of the room was totally lost on her.
“It’s a safe house. The FEDs were getting too close to you. Even though you haven’t been leaving any clues behind, it was only a matter of time before they connected the dots. So we decided to bring you in.”
“Bring me in where? And what’s this about the FEDs? I don’t know what you’re talking about.” He just smirked at her, and I saw her nerves for the first time.
Now that she was no longer asleep and all of her was visible in the full light of the room without any obstruction, I could see just how absolutely gorgeous she really is. That sexy as fuck slant to her eyes made my dick hard for some reason, and I imagined she was having the same effect on the others. When I looked around, though, that didn’t seem to be the case. All the same, I wanted them all gone.
“Leave!” They all turned their heads my way, even her. The doctor started to say something, but Lyon shook his head at him. “Save it for later doc; I know that look. He’d just as soon bite your throat out as let you touch her now, let’s go. We’ll have someone look at her when we get back.”
Lyon herded the rest of them from the room, and I heard the Tyler guy say to the others, “did you see that shit? Fuck, I don’t think I’ve seen anyone move that fast before outside of one of us.”
“Dream on Ty, we’ve never been that fast on a good day.” Logan clapped him on the shoulder, and someone else whistled as they left the room.
“You too!” I turned my gaze to the screen where Mancini was watching the show. He raised his brow at me before giving me one of what I’d come to see as his patented smirks before nodding his head. “And no listening in!” I warned just as the screen went blank. His ring of laughter was no guarantee that he was going to abide by that last dictate.
I turned my full attention back to her once the coast was clear and felt the full impact of her gaze. I swallowed a few times and hoped she didn’t look down. I don’t know if to be embarrassed or proud of myself for the wood that had grown behind my zipper. Now was certainly not the time or place, but my body didn’t seem to care.
“What was he saying about the FEDs?” She’s a good little liar. The way she looked me in the eye head-on as she pretended not to know is probably something that’s going to give me headaches in the future. For now, I was more interested in calming her down and reassuring her that she was safe.
“We know what you’ve been up to, and why.” A liar she might be, but her eyes are very expressive when her defenses are down. I wanted to go to her, to offer comfort, to tell her even that from now on, I’ll be the one to fight her battles, but she was coiled tight, ready to spring any second. “You’re gonna have to explain. What I’ve been up to? What does that mean?”
I pulled her backpack that was still on my shoulder around front and, with her eyes held with mine, opened it and removed the knife she’d used in her last kill. “This, I can still smell his blood.” She looked from the knife to me, and I could see her mind working, but the look I gave her pretty much told her to give it up.
Her shoulders slumped just a little, and she started to look trapped as she looked around the room for an escape.
“There’s no way to escape this place, Roxy.” I kept my voice dull and nonthreatening as she walked to the nearest window, still keeping an eye on me.
She looked out into the darkness, and then she sighed as her body drooped even more. She folded her fists at her sides but didn’t turn back to me. I just heard her whisper something that sounded like “Jojdwaess-eo,” and then she kicked the wall in a fury. I’m going to need to get my hand on a Korean-English dictionary real quick.