Page 2 of The Squad
I closed my eyes again and thought about how strange it was that I’d just taken Mancini’s word for it, no questions asked, something that I wouldn’t have done before. That trust now that I think about it had come way too easy. It’s too late to second guess yourself now Colt you fuck!
“Come and sit down babe, everything’s going to be fine.” She’s been pacing ever since we landed. I sat and watched her with the baby on my chest trying to get her to sleep. She hadn’t taken kindly to being dragged onto a plane right around her bedtime and had screamed her little lungs out for damn near three hours straight.
I patted her back and cooed at her as she rooted around on my chest. My heart felt settled for the first time since this shit started. My wife and child are safe, now all I need is for our friends to arrive safely.
Everyone here had been checked upon landing, but since they live here year round and hardly go to the mainland for anything except once a month or so for supplies, I felt safe that they were okay to be here.
The staff of twenty were going to be needed once everyone gets here, what with all the kids. My parents were already upstairs in bed, and my uncle and cousin should be here with their families about the same time Lyon and the others arrive.
I hadn’t meant to have this meet now, but it was as good a time as any I guess. People were making moves and shit is about to heat up in the world. I thought we had more time, but it’s obvious now that we don’t.
I closed my eyes and tried to get the last few moments of rest before they get here. I’m pretty sure there isn’t going to be much of that to be had in the coming days. Colton alone is going to take at least a damn week to come around. Shit, I wanted to be more prepared for this. Oh well!
Judge Timothy Bussfield dropped his suit jacket across the foot of his bed and loosened his tie on the way to the shower. He was trying to pace himself, but the coming evening promised to be one of the most pleasurable he’s had in a while, and he was having a hard time keeping his excitement in check.
It’s been a while since he’d felt this way, a very long time. Maybe he was becoming jaded. Years of doing the same thing day in and day out with hardly any breaks in between could do that, make a thing you once loved seem mundane. He had no plans on stopping anytime soon, though, because even though there were lots of duds to be had, every once in awhile, he found a gem.
The image he’d seen earlier flashed across his mind, and his dick grew hard with renewed anticipation. He dropped the last of his clothes and reached into the shower to turn it on, making the water from the six-headed jets as hot as he could stand it.
Ten minutes later, he stepped out of the steamy cubicle, towel in hand drying his hair his dick still hard as the time drew near for his little nighttime dalliance. He was so preoccupied, his mind already steeped in remembered illicit pleasure of times past. That’s why he didn’t notice the room’s other occupant until it was too late.
He felt the slight sting in his chest seconds after he saw the hand that reached out to him. His eyes widened when he saw his assailant’s face as he fell to his knees. He was dead in less than a minute without a sound. The murderer stood over the fresh kill wiping off the blood from the poisoned stiletto onto the towel before turning and walking away.
“Hank, where are you?” My eyes had been closed for all of ten seconds when I heard her calling for me. I looked at the monitor where my baby girl was fast asleep seconds before her mother walked into the room. The smile of greeting fell from my face when I saw the look on hers. “What is it? What happened?”
I came out of my seat and walked around the desk to meet her, taking her in my arms to calm her down. “Are you hurt? Tell me.” Nothing makes me panic like the thought of something happening to one of my girls. All of my well-earned poise and staunch reserve died a slow death starting with finding my woman and ended with the birth of our first child.
“No-no, I’m fine, don’t worry. I need your help with something, though. I’m sorry, I know you and the others are going to be busy when they get here, but…”