Page 19 of The Squad
“My wife has been pilfering information from me to share with your wives, and they’ve come to the conclusion that they have to invite him here before he announces so the news wouldn’t come back to bite him in the ass. Right now, they’re in there trying to figure out the best way to go about it, but I’ve already taken care of it.”
“You just need to know that in a few days we’ll be having some very high powered company, make sure your wife is ready.”
“I’m sorry, but you made it sound like there was going to be a problem that the rest of us would have to deal with.” Connor is no one’s fool; I caught that one too.
“Not a problem per se, but this guy is going to play a very big part in what we’re going to be doing in the future. We don’t need the help and support of world leaders, most of them are scum, but some of them can be of use when we want to move in and out of their territories without too much fanfare. Lyon heads up; this is going to be your headache pretty soon.”
“Yeah, your highness, you’ve been over there sleeping for the last little while, while us peasants have been working our asses off.” Zak cracked open that shit I’m sure the rest of them had been just dying to, and the whole room went up in laughter. I just glared, but no one seemed to care. I’ll give them one day to get that shit out of their system before I start knocking heads together.
I made myself comfortable while he took his shower, sitting in a chair in the corner of the dark room where I’d turned off the lights. I saw his silhouette when he came out of the shower and reached for the light on the wall. Before he could hit the switch, I threw my blade and pinned his hand there.
His howl of pain was cut off when he saw me stand and walk towards him. Coward, I could already smell the shit he’d expelled from his bowels in fear. No doubt he was thinking of his partners in crime and how they’d died just here recently. Why hadn’t he protected himself better? Was it because he’s a highly decorated cop? Is that why he thought he was invincible?
I got up close to him as he was trying to remove the stiletto from his wrist, which wasn’t easy since I’d made sure to hit bone. The pain has to be excruciating. He started to whimper at my approach. “Who are you? What do you want?” He tried moving out of the way when I got within a few feet of him, but there was nowhere to go.
I flipped the switch, and his eyes flickered at the sudden brightness before adjusting. “Remember me, lieutenant?” He looked at me as if trying to place me, which I’m sure he wouldn’t. He’s been through too many kids, destroyed too many lives for one he hadn’t seen in years to stand out. I was just a number to him, not human, not worth remembering past the first time he violated me.
“No-no, you’ve got the wrong guy. I’m a cop.” His words didn’t carry any weight this time. Not like that first time we’d met when I’d trusted him to save me. He’s the one out of all the others I’d chosen to play with before dispatching him to hell. In my mind, he’s the first link in the chain of destruction that took my life from what it was, what it should’ve been to the hell that it had become.
I pulled the blade from his hand and watched his blood spray across the wall and all over me. Before he could grab his wrist with his other hand, I drove the blade back in, aiming for the same spot. The move was reminiscent of the many days and nights I’d spent enduring the same pain over and over again. My ears were deaf to his screams as I drew my other blade, the kill blade.
Instead of giving him the deathblow right away, I trailed the tip of the very sharp blade down his middle while his eyes widened with fear. I guess it’s true what they say; the body does react oddly to certain situations. The lieutenant had a raging boner brought on by immense fear. I looked into his eyes and grinned. “Perfect.” I tapped his engorged flesh with the cold steel before twisting my arm around and going beneath his useless member.
The scream never left his lungs when I took the whole package with one flick of my wrist. He fainted when I held his balls and dick up for his eyes to see. I pulled the other blade from his hand in the wall and stepped over him. I didn’t want him to die as quickly as the others; it’s going to be a long night. I got cleaned up while he was out cold then sat back in my chair in the corner of the room, waiting for him to awaken so I could finish what I came here to do.