Page 120 of The Squad
When she wrapped her legs around me and drew my head down so that our lips would meet, I felt like she’d given me a gift. It was the first time in the many times I’d taken her that she was this welcoming. She’d been with me every step of the way each time I turned to her, but this time it was as if she’d opened up herself a little bit more.
I don’t know if it’s the children in her womb, and really I don’t care; whatever the reason for this change in her, this softening, I accept it gladly. She was even more receptive to my words of adoration, the sweet nothings I whispered in her ear, things I’ve never said to another woman in my life but were somehow fitting with her.
I didn’t feel like the simp I thought I would when I poured my heart out to her. Didn’t feel like less of a man because I wanted to lay down everything that I am at her feet and love her for the rest of my life. She’d had me from the first brush of her scent against my senses, and now, now that she carried my seed, those feelings have been multiplied by a thousand.
By the time I emptied myself inside her, she’d cried out for me three or four times. Now we clung to each other like two shipwreck survivors, neither of us wanting to let go of the other. I felt like I was leaving part of my soul behind when I finally pulled out of her to land by her side, still fighting to catch my breath.
I didn’t have long to gather myself because my phone rang across the room. Mancini had given all the men these new phones with a special frequency that overshadowed even my overprotective brother’s. “Yes?” I almost lost my train of thought when I glanced back at the bed to see her stretching like a kitten.
The look in those amazing almond-shaped orbs when she looked at me and smiled almost made me hang up and rejoin her, but Lyon’s commanding voice pretty much put paid to that idea. The guy doesn’t even have to raise his voice to get his point across. You just know that there will be consequences if you went against him. Very well, since my brother had thrown his hat into the ring, I’ll walk in with both feet as well.
“Bring your woman upstairs, south lanai, fifteen minutes.” He hung up without waiting for an answer, but like I said, his tone doesn’t leave much room for refusal. I was already having second thoughts about letting him handle her. It’s not that I was afraid to, but the fact that I hate the thought of taking something away from her that she wants this much, even though there’s no way I will allow her to remain involved. Then there’s the fact that everything I do from now on is pretty much a group effort, and since he’s the man in charge, who better to break it to her.
“Hey, babe!” I approached after hanging up the phone. “We’re needed upstairs.” She gave me a skeptical look but didn’t complain when I lifted her from the bed and took her into the shower to get cleaned up. We barely made it in the allotted time, and when she almost bolted at Lyon’s get lost kid, I almost called a halt to the whole thing.
“It’s okay, baby; I won’t be far.” She looked at me like I’d betrayed her, and I felt that shit in my gut. With a last kiss to her forehead to offer comfort, I gave Lyon a warning look which he scoffed at before rolling his eyes at me. “Beat it, kid, time’s a-wasting.” He softened his gruff order with a hand on my shoulder. “Don’t worry, kid, she’s safe with me.”
I believed him. For the first time in too long to remember, I was willing to take someone else’s word other than my brother’s, weird.
Why do I keep waiting for the other shoe to drop in this place? I feel like I’ve fallen down the rabbit hole, but I’ve never done drugs, not willingly at least, and not since the ones that had been foisted on me to keep me in line came to an end with my escape. Yet, it feels like I’ve lived ten lifetimes in the few days I’ve been here.
I’m warily cautious of accepting both Jason and the doctor’s words that I’m pregnant, but he seems so sure. Even the way he touched me just now was different, so there’s no doubt that he believes his own words. I don’t feel any different, obviously, since we’d only just started having sex, and as far as I know, it would be way too early to tell. But if I add up all the strange things that have transpired in the last few days, I guess this would fit right in.