Page 117 of The Squad
“Damn, they’re slick!” Law sounded proud. What an ingrate.
“No, you know who’s the really slick one? The kid. She gave them something that lets them know when we’re watching, but apparently, she didn’t tell them that we have ears in there as well, and I’m pretty sure she knows.”
“So Lyon, seriously, your kid, how did she get that way?”
“Why are you asking me that shit, Cord? It’s not like I sat her down and gave her lessons on how to be a damn spook; she just came out that way. Ask her mother.” The rest of them seemed to think that shit was funny.
“She’s an exceptional child, yours too, Flanagan, they both are. I’m waiting for their little friend to get here so we can see what they are capable of as a team. Speaking of which, there’s something I need to show you guys.”
“Damn, more surprises Mancini, what is it this time?”
“It’ll be good, Blade, I promise.” I wasn’t really listening to their conversation; I was too busy watching my wife and kid trying to pull the wool over my eyes. “She’s got my damn kid in on her shit.”
“I’m sorry to tell you, bruh, but it’s always going to be this way. All these little girls are going to grow up to do the same shit; get used to it. Speaking of which, when are you going to bring your boys in?”
“Not yet, Creed; let them enjoy the next few weeks at least; they’re young yet.” It had been decided once we accepted that this Squad thing was something we wanted to do that we’d train the next generation in what we do here. If at some point in life they decide that it’s not for them, then they can walk away. I’m down with it because it’s a good cause and not because asshole Mancini keeps going on about traditions and shit.
I looked up at the wall where he’d hung my family crest along with the others, still not used to the idea that some ancestor of mine was a sellout who’d saved some asshole king that was probably not worth it. I’d threatened my kids with death if they spread this shit, but I know it won’t last. It’s only a matter of time before I have to deal with their mother and her shit.
“Turn it off, Lyon.” I hit the off switch, and we were treated to the women’s laughter as they congratulated themselves on getting one over on us again. Then they started their shit again.
“Where did you say this person is? What prison?”
“California City Correctional, why?”
“No reason! As you said, you’re a FED, not much you can do. Why are we talking about this anyway? I thought we were discussing Roxy’s thing.” Flanagan got restless in his seat as his wife’s words came through the speaker.
“What is it?” I asked, but he just gritted his teeth and shook his head.
“She’s up to something; she changed the subject too smoothly.”
“What do you mean?”
“Full disclosure, right?” He already knows that we know about his wife’s penchant for pinning people to walls with bows through their heads, so we all just nodded. It still took him a second to talk. “I mean, if they find a female prisoner with a bow going through her skull, she did it.”
“How would she pull that one off? That doesn’t even make sense, Flanagan. Paranoid much?”
“No, Tyler, I’m serious. I know her ass.”
“When did these women become so bloodthirsty? Just last year, Dana Sue was afraid of her damn shadow.”
I snorted at Law’s ass but kept my lips sealed. I took a few minutes to get my thoughts in order before letting the rest of them in on what I was thinking. Since they seem destined to listen to every damn thing I say, let’s see how well they like what I’ve come up with.
“The way I see it, there’s no real way to stop them unless we stay on top of them twenty-four seven. So here’s what we’re going to do. I don’t know how long before the little one bribes her uncle Hank into giving her whatever she wants so that she keeps the fact that we have ears on them as well a secret, so I say we put the boys on them.”
“We tried that with Davey already; it didn’t go over very well.” Zak leaned in, still looking miffed at his wife Vanessa’s contribution to the earlier convo between the women.
“My boys are accustomed to riding herd on their mother and sisters; they know the game. If that doesn’t work, I’ll just lock Kat’s ass away somewhere from the rest. You lot can do what you want with yours, but I’m not going to be worrying about her ass getting into shit while I’m on a job.”