Page 43 of Sick Remedies (Pretty Lies Ugly Truths Duets 2)
“I can’t give you a for sure answer. Nova is Nova. She doesn’t trust me, but she also knows now that it was never her fathers to begin with.”
I listened a little longer, shaking my head at Rhys’ comment about his dick. Men and their egos. By their standards, they all had Godzilla cocks.
“That can’t happen. Nova would be an even bigger target just by her association with our scumbag donor, which would make us all targets because we’d obviously protect her.”
Did she just refer to Dad as our donor?
They continued speaking, but I remained stuck on that one sentence. My brain scrambled to find a logical excuse for her choice of words. Maybe she meant in general?
Deep down I already knew the truth, but there was a disconnect between my mind acknowledging, and my heart accepting. This was Dad. He didn’t know shit about loyalty. I found it to be incredibly sad, the way he used people. Including me. Rhys question had steered me towards that realization. It hurt. It branded me with a new scar to go atop the old ones.
I took a step back, and then another, spinning around with the intention of retreating up the stairs until someone mentioned a best friend. Em.
She was one person in this entire situation that didn’t deserve what was happening. All because of a goddamn piece of plastic.
I knew what I needed to do, what was right for me and everyone else involved. I couldn’t keep running or denying the inevitable. Hadn’t I done enough of that? These people didn’t want to hurt me, they were willing to risk their lives without even knowing who I was. Would Dad have done the same?
The answer was simple.
No. Dad was a selfish piece of shit that I continued to love and fight for even though he didn’t deserve it. And none of what I had done would make him love me back.
Had he wanted to keep me safe, he never would have left his demons behind for me to tame. Taking a breath, I pivoted easily on the dark marble floor, and resumed my trek to where the voices were coming from.
I rounded a corner and stepped into a kitchen straight out of a magazine spread, placing myself in a very unwanted limelight. Every head swiveled towards me.
It was enough to make me want to run and hide. I focused on Rhys, but not so much so that I trapped myself in his steel eyed prison.
“You don’t have to use Em. Correction, you will tell me exactly what you’re going to do with her once I tell you where you can find this stupid piece of plastic everyone is killing themselves for.”
Evie was the first to respond. “She can’t go back to Legacy Falls.”
“Why can’t she?”
“Because she’s dead. And so are you,” Rhys replied.
For a moment I thought he was joking, because clearly, I was still alive. No one laughed. He was serious.
“What the heck? How did we die?”
“You didn’t hear about all the home invasions?” Callum asked. “Your house was targeted. I’m really sorry that happened to you.”
I could tell he wasn’t sorry it all.
“But there aren’t any bodies?” The statement came out as a question.
“That’s all simple logistics. I took care of it,” Tripp answered this time, sounding quite proud of himself.
Oh, my god. I started to laugh, unable to believe this shitshow was my life. “So, now what? Who are we?”
“Em can be whoever she wants. She can go somewhere new and start over, as long as its not here or there,” Callum replied.
I glared at him. “Why can’t we stay together?”
Angel made a point of busying herself with a massive number of pancakes.
“Is this really the life you want for her?” Evie asked, her voice soft. I looked over at her, not seeing any of the utter disdain she’d shown me the first few times we saw one another.
Was this girl actually my sister? She couldn’t have been much older than me, which meant…