Page 4 of Sick Remedies (Pretty Lies Ugly Truths Duets 2)
“So why did you want her to find that box?” Tripp asked, joining our discussion from the hall.
“To by us some more time,” Callum answered, back to his usual disposition. He was playing his role with Em so well, I couldn’t discern if he liked the girl for temporary entertainment or had genuinely developed feelings for her.
“That’s why you let them go?” Evie turned to look at me.
“If we wanted them here. They’d be here. I wanted to fuck with her head, and as you can see, I succeeded.”
I walked over to my closet and grabbed the box in question. I’d planted everything inside of it accordingly, tiny hints at the truth. That’s all they were though. Hints. Nothing solid enough to prove anything other than what Nova and I both subconsciously already knew.
Neither of us were who we claimed to be. Yet, that didn’t change the fact she’d already fallen for me, all the genuine parts of myself I let her see. My being alive right then solidified
that fact. If Nova wanted me dead, I was ninety-nine percent positive I’d have a hole in the center of my forehead, and my brains would be all over the fucking wall.
“What’s the deal with her friend then?” Tripp asked.
“Em had to go too. Nova wouldn’t have left here without her and they’d only be in the way for what we need to do next.”
My sister nodded, beginning to see the bigger picture. “So, in the meantime, what do we do now? I mean, what exactly is the next move?”
“Now?” I placed the lid back on the infinity box. “We pack our shit and erase all evidence we were ever here. Then we grab the girls and go home to start on plan B.”
Tripp shuffled in place, rubbing the back of his neck. “Does plan B include you keeping all of us in the loop now? Cuz only Callum seems to know what the fucks going on anymore.”
“You know it’s nothing personal,” Callum responded before I could.
I shot him a look, and then turned so that it was clear I was addressing every single one of them.
“I think you’re all forgetting that I don’t have to keep anyone in the loop about anything. I do that out of respect for all of you.”
The room fell silent. No one daring to argue—unable to. Our families had decided my role before I could talk, I’d surpassed their expectations by the time I was sixteen. I had never wanted to be a leader, I’d always considered myself a lone wolf, but it was something that came naturally the older I got.
I did whatever the hell I wanted to, choosing to control the course of my life. However, I still took care of the tasks my father needed my assistance with. That was the reason I wound up in Legacy Falls to begin with. Not that my interest wasn’t self-serving. After all, there was a peculiar brunette I’d caught wind of two years ago that lived here.
I could be an asshole, but I would never be ungrateful for all the man had done, and still did, for me. Same with this lot. The four of them were irreplaceable.
I could keep them in the dark, it wouldn’t hurt me any. I chose to make sure they knew what we were walking into. Being a loner was nice, but sometimes having another person on your side could make all the difference.
“I already told you what’s going on. We pack our shit and erase all evidence we were ever here. Then we go home, and we start on plan B.”
“Nova’s coming too, right?” Angel asked.
“She’s alive, isn’t she?”
I turned away from them and went back to the closet, letting my question be the answer.
We gathered all our belongings in the living room. We’d packed light, per usual when we were sent to a new place to live.
The lodge had been pre-staged before our arrival. All the trivial things that weren’t going back with us would be burned in the fire-pit before we took off.
“Everything’s been wiped down,” Angel announced with a sigh, dragging one small duffel bag behind her.
I nodded and checked my watch. We had a few hours until sunset. That left plenty of time to light some shit aflame.
“Something’s up with those two,” Callum stated abruptly.
“Em’s texting me like her friend didn’t just drive out of here with a gun aimed at us.”
I looked over at Tripp. “Find out where they are.”