Page 36 of Sick Remedies (Pretty Lies Ugly Truths Duets 2)
“Where else would I sleep? This is our bedroom.”
“Your bedroom,” I corrected.
He scowled at me. “Go take a shower. Your things are in the closet--.”
“You got my suitcase? What did you do with my car?”
“You won’t be using it anytime soon. Its being put into storage. I’ll make sure she’s treated like a rare jewel.”
“She is a rare jewel, and I know every inch of her exterior. If there’s so much as a new scratch, I’m taking payment out on your ass.”
“Nova, nothing will happen to your car. Once I’m sure I can trust you not run off, you can have it back.” The smile that accompanied his ultimatum was genial, making his eyes soften.
It was my turn to scowl, fixing my attention on my toes.
He laughed quietly. “You can go find something to eat if you’re hungry. Explore the estate if you’d like. If you leave this room and go three doors to the left, I think you’ll appreciate what’s waiting for you inside.”
He pulled back his side of the comforter and climbed into bed, lying on his back, only covering up part of his lower half.
I could smell his bodywash—a mix of something warm and spicy—cinnamon and vanilla. I tried not to drool over every solid bump and ridge that made up his abs, choosing to ask a question that had an obvious answer.
“Aren’t you worried about me running away?”
“No.” He shut his eyes, his enviously long lashes sweeping downwards.
“You wouldn’t make it off the estate before the guards stopped you. Furthermore, that would be foolish. You’ve got food, shelter, and safety here.”
“Guards? Why do you have guards?”
“Doesn’t matter. Just know that if you’re with me, you’re safe.”
Safe. He kept making it a point to tell me that. It reminded me of the day we spent on the peak together. He promised I was safe with him even all the way back then.
Despite the circumstance, I still believed I was. Well, I was safe with him. Not from him.
“You know I could kill you in your sleep?”
“You’d never hurt the man you love.”
What a pompous ass. His eyes remained shut and words ran dry, leaving a fragile silence behind. We had so many things that could have, and needed to be, discussed. But he was merely human, he needed sleep just like the rest of us.
When his breathing evened out, I spent a good ten minutes discreetly studying his dozing form, making a point not to stare at the mass between his legs. He was such a gorgeous man. A mystery still in so many ways. Shame his personality had to be that of a delinquent.
You’re one to talk, a voice snarked in the back of my head. I rested my chin on my knees.
I suppose he was right to some extent about me not hurting him. That wasn’t something I wanted. But was that because I loved him?
Truthfully, I didn’t know what to make of my feelings for him. I couldn’t put them into words. I was still confused about what was between us. We were a mess, him and I, but there was something quite alluring about that.
I stared towards the door he’d come through, deciding a shower wasn’t such a bad idea. I slipped off the bed, watching him for any sign of movement. He didn’t stir.
I moved across the room, wondering where the closet was, he spoke of. When I stepped into the bathroom, I found it. How could I not? The thing had a set of double doors that were wide open. It was the size of some peoples’ bedrooms.
His bathroom was even bigger, and obscenely high-end.
A stained-glass rain shower took up nearly one wall, and a freestanding marble bath rested against the other, just beneath a large window. I went into the closet, spotting my suitcase straight away. It sat amongst a plethora of meticulously organized women’s clothing. Everything looked expensive, and was color coordinated. I didn’t like that.
I took only from the things I’d brought, grabbing a pair of sweat shorts and a T-shirt along with my essentials. Back in the bathroom, it took me an embarrassing amount of time trying to figure out how to use the shower.