Page 27 of Sick Remedies (Pretty Lies Ugly Truths Duets 2)
I didn’t know I was struggling as hard as I was until his words reached some logical part of my psyche. I froze, my mind surging with perplexity when I realized he was hugging me. He maneuvered us so that my back was facing towards the basin.
I’m not sure how long we stayed that way, but the effect he had on me was like a small hit of anesthetic.
“Do it,” he said suddenly, his voice firm.
By the time I understood it wasn’t me he was talking to, something sharp stabbed into the side of my neck, giving me a sickening sense of déjà vu as a familiar feeling rushed through my veins.
Nova Markov.
From the moment I saw her in a pair of tight ass unicorn shorts, and a tank top that should have been illegal, I knew she was going to be a problem. None of the pictures I’d collected over the past two years had did her an ounce of justice.
Our first hello set our inevitable future in motion. When she spread her legs and let me inside her, that was what sealed her fate. And she was none the wiser.
Now, I had to wonder, how many bodies would pile up between the two of us? So far, we were at ten.
The older couple that each got a bullet to their heads were wildcards, casualties of our first real lover’s quarrel. I glanced in my rearview mirror, making sure she was still out cold.
That was her second hairbrained attempt at getting away from me in less than twenty-four hours. It was insulting, I’d only stopped to try and give her an intermission from being drugged our entire drive.
With her back in my possession, a bit of weight had been lifted from my shoulders. I didn’t have to worry about anything happening to her if she was by my side.
It was amusing she thought she had a chance in hell of getting away from me. Where we were going now, it wasn’t even option. My phone began to play the Drake song Angel had set as her personal ringtone. I reached down and swiped over.
“What is it?”
“That’s no way to greet your favorite sister.”
“You’re my only sister.”
“Makes no difference. Anyways, I was just calling to see if she needed another dose.”
I looked at the time. “Didn’t you just give her another hit thirty minutes ago? Let’s not kill her before we get there.”
She made a sound of outrage. “That’s insulting Rhys. As if I haven’t done this a gazillion times.”
“She hasn’t slept. What you gave should hold her over until we’re where we need to be.”
“Like I said, I know what I’m doing. I won’t kill her, but if she wakes up while you’re driving, she might kill you.”
“I can handle Nova.” I reached down again and disconnected the call. We would be home soon, and things would all play out as they needed to.
It was time we got to know one another. Our facades were already split wide the fuck open, there was no reason to pretend anymore.
Nova may have been a killer, but I was a monster.
My head felt as if it had been submerged under water. There was something plushy pushing against the soles of my bare feet. And my hands…
I opened my eyes, blinking a few times to clear the grogginess from them. A slight pain radiated from my neck; the same place I’d been jabbed with a needle of god knows what.
Aside from feeling as if I’d slept for a century, my body didn’t seem too out of whack, although something goop-y was smeared on both my knees.