Page 17 of Sick Remedies (Pretty Lies Ugly Truths Duets 2)
“Then why did you pick up the phone?”
“I’m hanging up now.” I cut around another bend, the sharpness of the turn causing my cell to fly off my lap and land on the floor. “Damnit,” I cursed.
The faint sound of male laughter came from beneath my seat. “You’re not going to outdrive me, little girl.”
Clenching my jaw, I tightened my grip on the steering wheel, planning to do just that.
“Pull over,” Rhett repeated.
“Fuck. Off.” I pressed the pedal down, adjusting my grip as the Camaro ate up the ground before me. Annika’s neighborhood fell behind us, becoming a tiny dot in my peripheral.
There was a turnabout not much further ahead, I just needed to get to it. I’d be fine after that. Coming up fast behind a tan Lincoln, I checked the other lane for traffic. Seeing it was clear, I swerved over onto the opposite side of the road and easily passed them, easing back into the correct lane once I put a fair amount of space between us. Rhett wasted no time in doing the same, his Hellcat keeping up with my Classic with no amount of trouble.
Damn him. “I’m not going to say anything about what I found, so just leave me alone!”
“I’m not sure what you’re referring to. As far as I know, you haven’t found anything.”
So, that’s how he wanted to play it? I sucked my teeth, letting off the gas when I spotted the turnabout just a few more yards away. Rhett continued to talk, I blocked him out.
Doing another quick check for any oncoming traffic, I took a deep breath and cut the wheel. My tires screamed at me as I maneuvered through the roundabout, practically drifting around the bend.
I said a silent prayer, hoping that Rhett moved his ass out of my way. If he made me wreck my car all bets were off. I would string him up by his balls.
Fortunately, his reaction time was on point. A sharp curse blasted through the speaker of my phone, drowned out by the roar of his engine. He had no choice but to swerve out of my way or risk a head on collision.
I quickly got myself back onto the road, keeping my speed steady now. I peeked in my mirror, seeing Rhett’s Challenger growing smaller and smaller as I put space between us. For what felt like the first time in ages, I grinned. Couldn’t outdrive him my ass. I didn’t whip this car to be cute.
I slowed about five minutes down the road so that I could retrieve my phone. When I was finally able to grab it, I was surprised to see the counter still going.
“Why didn’t he hang up?” I wondered out loud.
“Because I wanted to let you know you’re going to regret what you just did.”
I jumped, not expecting him to respond. With a scoff, I placed my cell in the cup holder, making sure Emery hadn’t tried to get ahold of me yet.
“Did I hurt your ego?” I couldn’t help but taunt. His responding laughter sent a chill skating down my spine.
“It would take a lot more than that to bruise my confidence. You’ve no idea who I really am, baby-girl. But I know exactly who you are.”
His words rang too close to the truth. I’d let him in more than I ever had anyone else, and on an intimate level.
In the time we’d spent together, I had started to feel as if he knew me better than I knew myself, but I’d be damned if I was going to admit that.
Especially now.
“This conversation is over,” I replied, searching for the quickest route to the expressway. Regardless of who either of us were, I had to leave both him and Legacy Falls behind me.
“You think you get to decide that? Not only do you have something that belongs to me, you’re not at liberty to walk away from this.”
I wasn’t sure what the first part meant, but his never-ending ability to read my mind was unnerving. “Goodbye, Rhett.”
“I know you’re running. Go ahead. I’m going to be nice and give you a head start. It doesn’t matter where you go or how far. I’m coming for you Nova.”
The line beeped, signaling he’d disconnected the call before I could, leaving me to decipher if his parting words were a threat, or a warning.