Page 89 of Degenerates (Badlands 5)
Bella was out; using one arm to slide open the rear door as the Luce, Maliki, and Zane lifted Cam as gently as they could.
“How did you find us so fast?” Nyx asked, climbing into the van.
“I followed the same trail you did,” Trix quietly replied.
We piled into the van, none of us sure how to feel or what was going to happen next as we dug out every first aid kit we had.
Bumping Annie’s gun with my knee, I was the first to realize someone else was missing.
“Where is Ace?”
If possible, the van got even quieter.
Trix glanced at me in the rearview mirror and shook her head.
Chapter Twenty-Two
Viginti Duo
The man who claimed he had medical training said the first forty-eight hours would be the hardest.
I don’t think I breathed until I heard the words, “
He’s stable.”
Had it not been for a gentle older woman named, Meg, I wouldn’t have eaten. Her exact threat was, “Either you eat, or I shove the food from your throat to your stomach myself.”
All I’d done was sleep and consume after that, and yet I felt drained and exhausted.
Stepping into Zane’s cozy room in just a towel, I gave him a small smile.
He wordlessly spread his legs so I would sit between them.
I crawled up onto the bed he’d insisted he had to put clean sheets on when I first arrived, letting the towel drop away as I settled my back against his chest.
“You feel better.” A statement, not a question.
I nodded, leaning back into his embrace as he put his arms around my waist. “I love the smell of me all over your skin,” he murmured, breathing in the scent of his soap.
“Me too.” I turned my head and kissed his cheek.
While we were blissful at this moment, and he had been a whole new person over the past four days, he was still a giant asshole.
I laughed remembering his statement about my pussy being sad too.
It hadn’t been as amusing at that moment.
“What’s so funny?” he asked, sliding a hand down my stomach.
“You. You’re an asshole.”
“I know. Get used to it. When you come back, you’ll be dealing with it for the rest of your life.”
When I…?
“What do you mean when I come back?”
“I have some things to handle, and I think it would be best if you weren’t here then.”