Page 75 of Degenerates (Badlands 5)
We all turned our heads back to the sign, seeing Diner was indeed spelled as Dinre.
“That says a lot about the quality of pussy inside,” Cam commented.
Trix and Ace found that hilarious.
I shut my eyes and took a deep breath, blowing it back out when Zane opened his door.
“Come on, princess.”
I opened my eyes and looked over at him, seeing he had a
hand waiting for me to take.
Without needing to think about it this time, I place mine in his and let him help me out of the truck.
Sandwiched between his body and the driver’s side door, he lifted my face to his with two fingers.
“It’s going to be okay,” he said quietly, placing a heavy kiss on my lips
I was thrown way off guard but in a good way. And I believed him. Managing a small smile, I rose up on my tiptoes and mimicked his kiss.
Trix cleared her throat cleared from the other side of the truck, causing us both to laugh.
“Let’s go see what we can find in here,” Zane lilted, threading his fingers’ through mine.
“Hopefully a clean bathroom,” Nyx grumbled.
We filed inside the building as one, Cam taking the rear. Instantly my senses were assaulted by the smell of floor cleaner, old grease, and tobacco.
To our immediate left was what must have been considered the diner, once the motel’s breakfast area. Straight ahead was the front desk, between it and us two ratty pool tables.
Two women sat on a worn plaid sofa a little ways to the right, and whilst never experiencing possessiveness before, the way their eyes lit up when they saw Zane had me ready to gouge them out with my Kambit.
It wasn’t jealousy; they had nothing for me to jealous about.
“Hello, there!” An older man called as he shuffled from behind the desk. “Haven’t seen your…faces before.” His bushy brows furrowed, periwinkle eyes shifted from Zane’s brand to mine.
I’d never considered what people would think when they saw the two of us together—I personally could care less.
“We need a phone, a car, and something for her to eat. Preferably that no one touched or cooked.” He glanced at Nyx. “And a bathroom if it’s clean.”
I squished my lips together to hide a smile. I had more than enough sustainable foods in the gear bag currently strapped to Cam’s back, but I wasn’t going to throw off his momentum.
It was clear the man didn’t know how to initially take someone like Zane.
“Okay. Um. The phone I have, we’ll just need to tinker with the signal. A car I can work on, and there’s some fruit in the diner. Bathroom is clean. Everything’s clean. In the meantime, would you folks like a few rooms?”
The man rubbed the back of his neck, stopping when I tilted my head to the side. His eyes met mine and then darted away.
I turned and looked at Nyx.
She nodded, silently telling me she was picking up on the same thing I was. He was nervous, more so than he should be.
“How long is all this going to take?” Maliki asked.
“Couple o hours.”
“Fuck it,” Zane sighed, “Give me one.”