Page 73 of Degenerates (Badlands 5)
She flicked it and brought the flame to the rag Addy had soaked in alcohol, setting it aflame.
“Now we can go.” She passed the lighter back and headed for the door, following behind Addy.
I took one last look at the woman who had chosen the wrong side. Her chest was heaving, perspiration beading on her forehead and rolling between her tits. Both legs were broken and each arm bowed to the wall.
She looked like a marionette, slowly bleeding out. The last thing I saw before stepping out of the house was her losing consciousness again as the flame reached her mouth.
We made it out of the neighborhood without incident.
Addy sat between Trix and me, her head resting on my shoulder as she dozed. Her soft breaths fanned over my skin, making it hard to concentrate. There was dried blood on her fingers from going fishing in a bullet wound.
It only added to her allure in my opinion, and that’s the only persons’ that mattered.
She looked good beside me, like she belonged there.
In the back where she would have been were Maliki and Nyx. I’d done that on purpose. And in the bed of the pickup were Ace and Cam, who could have been brothers, not look-wise, they didn’t look shit alike, but personality wise they were damn near twins.
“How far you think this will get us?” Trix asked, speaking quietly, so she didn’t wake Addy.
“There’s a town called Econo right that leads to a stretch of road going straight to our rendezvous point. We should be able to make it there.”
She nodded and resumed staring out the window.
I didn’t bother mentioning we had no way of knowing if the acolytes Luce went for, or the Venom I had Tobias go for, were there and gone, hadn’t arrived, or ran into their trouble trying to make it to us.
We’d be going in blind, just the six of us. I was confident we could all handle our own, but six against thirty was still six against thirty if these motherfuckers were waiting on our arrival.
The idea didn’t thrill me, only in regards to Addy. If anything happened to her…well…, I’d hate to be any poor bastard in the vicinity during that time and twice as scared shitless if I were the one who hurt her.
We had to go for these kids regardless, so it was more a wait and see type of situation. Again, against the grain of how I usually operated.
“You are keeping it then?” Maliki asked after another few minutes of silence.
It was a random time for him to bring this up, but I supposed now was better than never. I glanced down at Addy for a second, shifting my gaze back to the road before nodding. “Yeah, she’s mine.”
“Good,” he replied after another few seconds.
I agreed with him.
She was good for me, but the sad thing is, I was a fucking toxin to her. And I didn’t care because I was a selfish fuck who’d decided I would have her the second I knew she existed.
I didn’t even know what she looked like yet and she was mine, long before Luce came to me with his suspicious ass deal.
Yeah, I wasn’t an idiot and I damn for sure wouldn’t be making the mistake my father did by trusting Luce’s words. He was too much like his fucking father.
His actions would speak for themselves. As for my princess, I’d planned to take her from them all along, and then Luce took it upon himself to deliver her to me like a pretty parcel.
Maybe I should have told her this instead of making it seem as if the deal was the only reason she was mine.
I’d wanted to hurt her.
I wanted to hurt her, but I wanted to learn to love her too. This was fucked. I’d never loved in the capacity of a typical relationship.
Addy made me feel just human enough to do it, but I couldn’t break her too much for that to happen and it bothered me.
As a kid, I often wondered why I was hated so much, why I was the one who suffered the consequences of my parents’ actions. It hurt at first, but eventually, the pain faded and this person—who I was now began to make it numb.
Maybe I was just like my dad after all; a hopeless fuck that’d lost every bit of his mind long ago.