Page 7 of Degenerates (Badlands 5)
/> Her hesitation lasted less than a second; she took off stumbling towards the thick patch of trees.
“Where do you think she’ll go?” Trix asked, leaning against one of the porch posts.
“Doesn’t matter. She’ll be dead in…I give it two weeks,” Tobias responded.
“Less,” Maliki refuted.
He was the one I was inclined to believe.
“Let’s grab what’s salvageable, bag it, and get to the truck,” I ordered, turning around and going back inside the house.
“Get your head together and help us,” I said to Ace. “I can’t have you zoning out after a kill. That reflects onto me.”
He inhaled and exhaled two deep breaths, wiping his bloody hands on his even bloodier jeans.
“You’re right. I just need—wait. I’m in?” he questioned, giving me a goofy ass smile.
“Yeah—.” I stopped and turned my head. “Hang on.”
Everyone except for Ace having heard what I just did, we filed outside, leaving him to follow.
“What the fuck is she doing all the way out here?” Trix asked.
I didn’t answer; even from this distance, I spotted the inverted cross inked on the side of her face.
As she darted across the backyard, she noticed us for the first time.
I saw the exact moment she realized that she had just exposed herself to a group far fucking worse than whatever had sent her running in the first place.
Chapter Two
This girl was lucky I loved her.
I could think of a million other things I’d rather be doing than keeping guard while she got laid.
Hearing a can drop, I laughed around the last apple slice I’d just sucked into my mouth. Her muffled moans slightly increased in volume, disturbing the crickets chirping away nearby.
Pushing off the wall of the warehouse, I stretched my arms above my head, lazily rounding the corner, smacking right into a sturdy form.
“Holy shit,” I choked out around chewed up bits of fruit.
Reeling back, I placed a hand over the heart that had just about escaped through my chest.
“You okay?” he asked, and I could tell he was trying not to laugh.
“Fuck, Luce, I thought you were Dad.”
“If I were you’d have been screwed. You’re slacking, sis. You should have heard me coming long before I got here. I even stopped to talk with, Annie.”
I wanted to punch the smirk right off his damn face, but he was right. I should have heard him. Had he been our father I’d be back on a rigorous training schedule before I could so much as bat an eye.
“Whatever,” I grumbled; refusing to tell him he was right.
“Speaking of someone being screwed…” Smirk still in place, he moved around me to the front of the building.