Page 69 of Degenerates (Badlands 5)
He cawed once as if to speak, and that’s when I heard the engine.
I looked down the street, scanning the darkened streets of the neighborhood. It was growing louder, which meant it was coming closer.
I scrambled to my feet, paying no mind to the soreness lingering between my legs.
“Turn the lights off!” I demanded, slamming the door behind me as I entered the house.
“What is it?” Zane questioned, looking up from the bag he’d been repacking.
I refused to look at him head-on.
“Someone’s coming.”
Trix and Cam immediately did as I asked on the first level, Ace headed to the second.
Going to one of the front windows, I pressed myself against the wall and discreetly peered through the curtains.
Zane and Maliki did the same at a window a few feet down on the opposite side of the door.
I opened the break-action and lowered the barrel away from the body of the shotgun to double-check the casings. Seeing it was ready to go, I brought the barrel back up until I heard it click.
I preferred to use the Kambit. The kills meant more, were quieter, and I never had to worry about running out of bullets. But I’d forgotten to attach the holster around my waist.
“What’s going on?” Nyx inquired, appearing behind me from wherever she’d just been.
“Look,” I whispered, nodding my head to the truck that had just turned onto the cul-de-sac.
“Their lights are on high,” Maliki noted.
I watched as the driver of the truck put it in park, and left it idling before he or she could get out. Four other Stags followed suit. Their deer masks were belligerent in the night.
I expected them to come right for us; instead, they began to approach the house off to the left, the one where I’d seen an older man peering out the window.
“Are they looking for us?” Ace asked an obvious question.
I wasn’t sure how they knew what street we’d wound up on, seemed trivial at this point. They kicked in the door of the old man’s house and three filed inside.
Not five minutes later they emerged dragging a salt and pepper haired man wearing flannel pajamas out into the street by the back of his neck.
He had a lame leg, which was evident in the way he dragged one behind him and nearly crumpled when forced to the asphalt.
On his knees, they said something to him I couldn’t hear. He didn’t once point our way to give us up, though. Not liking whatever he had to say, one of the Stags stepped forward and placed a large, curved bow against the center of his forehead.
A bow like the one that killed Annie.
My spine stiffened, fingers squeezing the casing of the shotgun as anger rose with each passing second. Anger and something else too…something familiar that I’d been waiting for.
There was a savage predator that dwelled inside me. Spawned by the devil—she was soulless, reckless, and wild.
A grotesque deviant always ready to cause a little anarchy. And right now she was impatiently waiting to come out and play.
I think it was time to set her free.
Not giving anyone a chance to stop me, I moved away from the window and went to the door.
“What are you d
oing?” Trix questioned.