Page 46 of Degenerates (Badlands 5)
I glared at Zane. “Get the hell out of my way.”
He came forward until the bag was pressing into my lower stomach. “Is that how you wanna play your hand?”
“Think carefully before you answer, baby. What you say is going to determine how this whole thing goes.”
My mouth opened and shut a few times before I got a hold of myself. I was baffled by his whole demeanor. One minute he looked at me as if he wanted to fuck my brains out, the next his eyes were burying into me like daggers, full of hatred and spite.
I felt as if he were pushing me.
My natural inclination was to push back, because, who the fuck did he think he was? And did he call me baby?
I didn’t know what thing he was talking about, and I didn’t understand where he got off saying I was his, and that was that. He was starting to piss me off all over again.
“I am not playing a game with you, baby. I don’t know what your deal is, but you’re delusional and making a fool of yourself.”
My words were level until the end where a slight growl may have slipped. It was a work in progress to control my temper, and all things considered I was doing a fabulous job right now.
Zane thumbed his plump lower lip for a minute, silently watching me.
His smile was slow to appear; when it did slowly creep across his face, it was drenched in devilry and dark intent.
My heart tripped at the sight of it. I hated the undeniable attraction I felt towards him. This wasn’t right.
He turned away from me, snatching my bag from my hands in the process. “Let me carry this for you.”
I blew out a breath and stared after him, following only after he disappeared inside the service station. Maliki whispered something to Nyx and then did the same.
“I think it’s time me and Zane have a talk,” Cam contemplated the moment I reached his side.
“Your funeral man,” Trix commented on her way past, carrying a gear bag of her own. “Z is a cool guy, but he isn’t going to let you tell him how to handle his relationship,” she added before pulling open one of the station doors and vanishing within.
“His relationship?”Nyx spat.
I stared after her, replaying what she’d just said inside my head. It wasn’t that her words were poetic and worth remembering, it’s what they implied that left a sour taste in my mouth.
I think I was beginning to understand where this all began, and it wasn’t something I cared to ponder right then.
I sighed, shifting my full attention to Nyx and Cam. “I love you guys, but please don’t feel the need to get involved in shit like that. I can handle Zane on my own. I don’t want any issues spiraling.” I couldn’t stress this enough.
Cam could be lethal, but my gut told me Trix hadn’t been blowing steam out her ass when she warned him just now. I didn’t want him to risk getting hurt over me. It wasn’t worth it.
“I make no promises. You’re my girl if I feel the need to step in again, I will,” Cam replied.
“Everything he just said I second,” Nyx stated, looping her arm through mine. Cam fell in step behind us, and we finally made our way to the entrance.
Annie stood on the left side of the building just outside the doors, shotgun in hand, and long brown hair plaited in two braids.
“You need to rest too,” I gently told her.
“No. I need to keep watch over you, and that one.” She turned and gave a pointed look in Zane’s direction inside the station.
“Annie.” I huffed out a breath, trying to hold back my frustration. “You need sleep just as much as any of us, food too.
“I know you’re supposed to protect me, but it wouldn’t hurt for you to let someone take care of you every once in a blue moon.”
She still looked as if she were going to protest and I was seconds away from ordering her ass inside the goddamn station, something I never did, but I was tired my damn self.