Page 4 of Degenerates (Badlands 5)
It was proof that we were no longer the faction being laughed at or considered less than shit on the bottom of a boot because of my father’s blight.
“Relax,” I soothed, slightly lessening my grip. “No need to start screaming, I’m not here to hurt you.”
I felt her swallow beneath my palm. Her terrified, uncertain eyes studied my face for a semblance of truth behind my words. She wouldn’t find any.
Something clattered to the floor in the living room, ending our little staring contest and causing her to jump.
“What’s your name?” I asked though I could give two fucks what she was called. I simply wanted to distract her from what was being done to her parents—just for a few seconds longer.
Plus, after doing shit like this for so long you learned a thing or two about knowing something as simple as that.
Names had power behind them. A person’s name was a connection to their identity and individuality.
It was the one way to easily get a stranger’s attention and make a random situation seem a tad more persona
“Ja…Jamie,” she whispered through trembling lips.
“Okay, Jamie. I’m going to let you go now, and you’re gonna be a good girl and walk with me to the living room, alright?”
She nodded her head, two quick jerks of submission. Dropping my hand, I stepped back, so she had enough room to climb from the bed. Not taking her eyes off me, she lifted the blanket from her lower half, exposing a thick pair of creamy thighs.
Her hands moved at light speed to adjust the blue nightgown that had risen in her sleep, but it still wasn’t fast enough to hide her lack of underwear.
I pretended not to have seen, keeping my face impassive as she slowly stood up.
“Wh…” she stopped and took a breath, straightening her spine so that she stood at full height. “What do you want?”
Clearing my throat, I flattened the smile trying to creep across my face. Her sudden false bravado was almost enough to make me wanna toy with her for a bit longer, but this wasn’t my night.
“Jamie I already told you, I want you to walk to the living room.”
She blinked at my use of her name.
“I promise I won’t hurt you, just come with me,” I assured, using my most convincing tone that had yet to fail.
This time proved no different.
Jamie swallowed and nodded again, now inching her way towards her bedroom door. I allowed her to open it and step out into the hall before making any move to follow.
From the sound that left her mouth, I knew she was going to run towards her parents, which is exactly what Trix was waiting for.
“Mom!” she screeched, taking off just as I stepped out behind her.
She never once stopped to consider where the people I’d arrived with were. So, so stupid. At the end of the hall, Trix’ arm shot out and caught her right across the throat. A violent cough erupted from her chest, followed by a yelp as her body hit the hardwood floor.
“Down, girl,” Trix ordered, kicking her in the sternum when she tried to get back up.
Seeing everything, her mother sobbed around the wad of socks that had been shoved in her mouth.
With an exaggerated sigh, I pulled my mask back down and walked the short distance down the hall. “I could have sworn I told you to walk. Look at the situation you’ve found yourself in.”
Continuing past her fallen form, I took in the familiar scene spread out before me. It was always the same scenario with a few small differences.
Tobias was holding Jamie’s mom in place, standing behind her to keep her from going anywhere. The dad was tied to a wooden chair that Maliki had positioned to ensure he had a clear view of where his wife was standing, and now where his daughter was pinned on the floor, her pussy fully displayed.
“Alright, get this shit done,” I said to Ace, stepping out of the fray so I could observe.