Page 55 of Heathens (Badlands 4)
Um no.
“I can do this,” I spoke aloud.
“That’s the spirit. Just stick with me, k?”
She flipped her long blonde braid over her shoulder as we set off again.
“Get ready,” Cali sang, dodging around the acolyte beside her as he took a hit to the chest.
I did the same leaping over him.
When we hit the main city I understood why they were saying get ready.
People were being dragged from their homes and slaughtered right in the street.
Screams of women, men, and children filled the air. Like Romero had said, if they were a problem they were handled, age nothing but a number.
Blood coated the sidewalk and pavement as acolytes went from house to house in terrifying formation.
Hearing tires screech, I dove out of the way as mail truck barreled into our little group, smashing into three acolytes .
I heard their bones crack as I hit the asphalt, hands stinging along with my knees.
Trying to get right back up, I barely missed being clobbered by a golf club an older man had decided to swing at me.
I ducked at the last second and It whizzed by my ear. By time I was on my feet Cali had her knife in the man’s gut, twisting it around in a circle before roughly pulled it back out.
Without even thinking of what I was doing, I had my gun aimed and fired at another man trying to rush her.
His head snapped back, his legs running for a second longer before getting the memo he was dead.
The adrenaline rush was incredible.
I fired again at a female guard who’d overpowered one of the acolytes, getting her in the back.
She was flung off, landing at the feet of another, her head promptly being stomped in.
Up ahead, Romero, Grimm, and Cobra had a mesmerizing system where they worked together.
Cali flashed me a grin, grabbing my wrist with her bloody hand and pulling me alongside her to do the same.
She was simply brilliant.
A bullet nicked her shoulder and aside from a sharp wince, the girl barely batted an eye.
When she swapped her blade for a bright pink gun I almost laughed.
I did my best to take out anyone that got to close to our group, slipping past an acolyte.
And that’s how we worked our way to the City hall.
Killing anyone who got in our way and covering each other’s backs.
There was Venom amongst us , fighting the good fight for once.
By the time we reached the large brick building it was clear this was going extremely well for the Savages.
The city had been hit from both sides at once. It wasn’t until just then that I realized just how extensive Romero’s reach was. This place never stood half a chance.