Page 45 of Heathens (Badlands 4)
I blinked and tried to play off that I was just mesmerized by his back. “Um, did you maybe make some people angry? Because we’re about to have company,” I finally spat out.
“Yeah, we should probably go now.” He turned off the sink, not bothering to reclaim his bloody shirt from the floor.
On his way out, he grabbed my hand. “We’ll talk at home,” he said softly, dropping a kiss on the back of it.
There was that word again. I hadn’t a home in seven years; until it was true, I wasn’t going to hold my breath that I was going to have one now.
I gave him a slight smile anyway, and followed his lead.
Right outside the door, Annie stood with her shotgun in her hands, aimed at the truck now pulling into the parking lot.
With her feet planted apart and shoulders set, she pulled the trigger, blasting one of the men right in the chest.
“Whoa! What are you doing?” I flinched, grabbing my right ear.
The man flipped backward out of the truck bed, his blood spraying onto his comrades.
I just watched a child shoot a man out the bed of the truck. All I wanted to do was wrap her in my arms and carry her to safety, but she was liable to shoot me too.
Had I met her before I saw her sweet angelic self skinning a man alive, I wouldn’t have been as shocked.
“They aren’t here to chit-chat, and you two were taking to long.”
“Get in the car,” Cobra said, urging me forward with a hand on my back.
I jogged to the passenger side and waited for Annie to slide in back before climbing in.
Cobra rounded to his side just as the men began hopping out the bed of the truck. None of them had guns, but they had everything else, from an ax to a metal slugger.
“Buckle up!” he yelled at us, shifting into gear.
The Plymouth lurched, jumped the small curb of the sidewalk, and then shot forward. At the same time, the man in the pickup tried to cut us off, clipping the rear end.
“Motherfucker,” Cobra growled, looking in his side mirror.
“Have you learned anything about picking fights?” I asked, grabbing hold of the door handle.
“Yeah, that I should have brought you with me. Think we could have had a lot of fun.” I saw his mouth kick up in the corner and bit back a smile of my own.
He swerved away from the truck, pushing the muscle car faster and faster to the point when he took the next corner, the tires burned rubber and we slightly lifted off the road, taking my heart with it.
“Cobra, I refuse to die in this death trap!”
“Babe, relax. I got this.”
I stared at him ready to say something snappy, but seeing the exhilarated look on his face and his wide smile had me biting back one of my own. He was like a little boy with a shiny new toy.
“You truly are crazy,” I said, shaking my head.
“And you fuckin love it,” he smirked, reaching over to grab my hand.
“They’re coming,” Annie cut in, sounding all the way over our bullshit.
He whipped the wheel right, left, and then right again, taking us out of the city that looked ready to crumble at any minute.
I saw the sign that said Now leaving Polk County.