Page 43 of Heathens (Badlands 4)
I hadn’t even wanted the damn baby, but it wouldn’t have mattered if I did because there was no fuckin baby anymore. I would have done what I needed to do to be a father. I’d worried about this shit day and night for what?
My fucking kid was dead.
I flexed my fists and rolled my neck, pulling out my buck bone blade.
I had questions. Lots of questions.
But first…
I rounded the corner, coming up behind one of the men who had been beating the shit out of the girl now lying dead in a parking lot.
He turned at the last second but it was too late. I was too fast.
Before he could even fuckin blink, my knife was slamming into the center of his forehead, splitting its way into his brain. I pulled it out and grabbed his companion by the hair, slitting the fucker’s throat when he tried to call for help.
I let his body drop, adrenaline coursing through my veins like lava.
I tracked them down, one by fuckin one. Some tried to run; others were completely oblivious.
My mind wasn’t on the blood, the screams, or the pleas for mercy.
It was on Luther, a childhood friend who had just become a needless casualty of war.
It was on my mom, who was beaten like the girl in the parking lot the day me and my sister were taken.
My dad, who’d tried to save us and had his fuckin head blown off.
My sweet sister who couldn’t handle being in love with her twin brother, and hung herself from a cherry tree.
And that sweet, blue-haired girl I knew I could never let go, even if I didn’t deserve her.
Chapter Eighteen
The sun was high in the sky by the time he returned.
I’d yet to fall asleep, far too worried about where he could have gone or if he was okay.
My body hated me for it.
My muscles were screaming at me in protest with every step I took, sore beyond belief. There was bruising between my thighs and teeth marks on my neck.
He had a valid point.
I didn’t look like I’d simply had sex.
No, I looked as if I’d been thoroughly fucked.
I gave up contemplating how a virtual stranger could mean so much to me, because the fact was he did.
We both had pasts full of pain but I was certain we could get through it, if he would let me in.
When the door flew open, I jumped out of my skin while Annie simply blinked.
Squinting against the sunlight now flooding into the room, it took me a second to take him in.