Page 25 of Heathens (Badlands 4)
“I wasn’t around a few months ago,” I pointed out.
“I was not sent there specifically for you. Once you became more of a… priority, the plan was readjusted. My duty was to gather intel, to keep you safe, and to get you out when the time was right.”
I took a few minutes to process all that. I wasn’t real ecstatic about the whole me being a sudden priority thing.
Romero wasn’t someone I wanted to owe any favors to, but he was the reason I’d just gotten out.
Speaking of…
“What was that loud noise?”
“The foundation of that prison is weak. I simply gave one of the weakest columns a little push,” he said casually.
I knew there was more to it than a ‘little push’, but his answer was satisfying enough.
“You did all of this alone?”
“I wasn’t the only Savage on the inside, no, if that’s what you’re really asking.”
I nodded, wondering what else he knew. I assumed he had a way to communicate with Romero while on the inside to relay information.
“So Romero knows about…” I trailed off. Maybe I should have been asking what he didn’t know.
Everything I’d come to learn about that man amplified how cunning he was, always ten steps ahead of everyone else.
“What he doesn’t know already, he will know very soon. As it stands, my task is not finished quite yet.”
At that, I looked down at my lap.
If he knew Vitus was full of crap, why make an alliance with him in the first place? If he knew so much, why didn’t he do anything to stop what had happened?
As if he read my mind, Bryce dropped another Easter egg for me to ponder over.
“Vitus and my liege have a long, sordid history. That’s all I’m allowed to say on the matter. He’ll question you himself.”
“He’ll question me?” I gave a quick glance his way, crossing my arms over my chest. I hoped my voice didn’t convey how uneasy that made me.
“Yes, once you’re home.”
“Home,” I repeated to myself.
He had to be referring to the compound. Did I want that to be my home? I wasn’t sure.
I think I was ready to get far, far away from all of this. The Savages, the Venom, people in general.
I wasn’t sure if I was ready to deal with Katya.
I didn’t how I was supposed to face Cobra, knowing what I knew now.
How could I look him in the eye and tell him his child was missing? That he may be dead?
I turned my face to the window and focused on the passing scenery.
My eyes stung. I blinked to clear the wetness coating my lashes.
My heart ached.
Yet, the emptiness I felt didn’t abate. If anything, it grew deeper.