Page 20 of Heathens (Badlands 4)
A prickling sensation on the back of my neck had me looking over my shoulder again.
I immediately spotted another of the Venom watching me from the opposite side of the room.
Even with distance between us, I knew the color of his eyes was bright green. His hair was sandy brown.
I had never heard him utter a word but I’d caught him watching me multiple times when no one else was around, just like he was now.
His gaze held no malice or lust, but something else. Concern maybe?
“Or maybe I’m losing my mind,” I laughed humorlessly.
Rising from the table, I boldly walked to where he was standing, holding eye contact the entire way.
He was unnaturally attractive and not that much taller than myself.
From what I’d been able to tell since I’d been at the prison, he wasn’t longstanding Venom, nor a newbie. He was somewhere in the middle.
I’d made it a habit not to talk to any of Vitus’ men, holding down my role of naïve little Blue, but I was tired of playing the role of a helpless damsel. I was tired of not knowing what was going on around me.
All I’d concluded so far was what I’d already known. Nothing was ever as it seemed. That could be the Badlands’ catchphrase.
“Does Vitus have you watching me?” I asked the man.
When he remained silent, I looked up at him and quirked a brow as if to say, well?
He came forward, and for a brief moment I thought he was going to walk right into me. At the last second, he side stepped, brushing my shoulder with his.
He whispered something that sounded like, “Ave Satanas,” and continued on his way.
His steps never faltered.
Hope bloomed in my chest knowing those words were linked to Cobra.
When I whirled around, though, there was no sign of the green-eyed man anywhere.
For a second, I thought I may very well be losing my mind, but if I was certain of one thing, it was that I wasn’t crazy.
If he’d really said those two words,
there was only one person who would have sent him here.
It seemed Vitus wasn’t the only one with ulterior motives.
Chapter Six
There’s the calm before the storm, and then the storm hits.
And it hit hard.
The sense of foreboding started in my gut the second I returned to my room.
It worsened as the evening progressed.
It was to the point where I considered not going to meet Beth, but really, what other choice did I have? She was my only hope of getting answers.
So there I was, entering a part of the prison that was unused and in worse shape than the rest of the entire building.