Page 72 of Outcasts (Badlands 3)
Katya was on the patio staring at the remains of Noah, which meant he was alone.
We walked down the hall, and paused outside his door. Cali found her balls before I could. She knocked twice, and then walked right in, leavin me to follow.
“Wow,” I murmured, the second I entered “I forgot how different his room was from the rest.”
“He likes color,” Cali shrugged, making her way to his bed.
Cobra’s room was done up in blues, yellows, and a dark green. It looked like somewhere someone royal would reside.
Hearin the shower water runnin, and unsure how long he would be, I followed Cali’s lead.
Grimm and Romero had gone on some secretive as hell run an hour after Vitus left and had yet to return. The fact Cobra stayed behind let me know he was feelin some kind of way, which was to be expected, but he didn’t have to do it alone.
I settled beside Cali on his bed, fluffing one of the gigantic pillows.
“Do you know how many come stains were lying in right now?” Cali asked, staring at the ceiling.
“For real? Ew, shut up,” I laughed, playfully pushin her shoulder.
“Damn, I’m thinking I should stay home more often,” Cobra said, walking into the room with nothing but a towel around his waist, and his red hair a shade darker from his shower.
Cali and I shared a quick glance with one another after focusing on his body longer than what was necessary.
Cobra wasn’t as bulked up as Romero or Grimm, but he made up for it with toned definition and colored tattoos.
“Stop givin me those incestuous looks.” He pretended to shield himself from us.
I rolled my eyes. “Put some damn drawers on, and then come sit with us,” I sighed.
“We came for moral support. However you need it,” Cali added.
Without responding to us he went to his dresser and retrieved some briefs. He respectfully added a layer of black sweats before crawling between us, smellin strongly of male bodywash.
The three of us sat with our backs against his headboard in absolute silence for a few minutes.
“Do you wanna talk about?” I asked, knowin Cali wouldn’t.
He took my hand and then Cali’s, just holdin them for comfort. It dawned on me the longer we sat without sayin a word; he was lonely too.
“I fucked up,” he finally said.
“We all fuck up, Cobra, that’s life,” Cali replied, placing his hand on her bump.
“But I really fucked up. I might have a kid, and now Blue is…Romero knew,” he finished, confusing me and Cali both.
He puffed his cheeks up, and then let out a noisy stream of air. His silver eyes stared off blankly into space as he got lost in whatever was goin on inside his head.
I had an inklin he liked Blue much more than he’d let on, because Cobra killed chicks left and right, and now she was with Vitus.
My stomach still coiled just thinkin of his name. Throw a potential baby by my scandalous bitch of a sister into the mix, and I couldn’t imagine how the man felt.
Beth deserved everythin she had comin to her, in my opinion. We didn’t have a full disclosure about everythin yet, but we would. And if this turned out to be true I’d be damned if I let the only untainted member of my family be used as a pawn in war.
“We’ve all been through the ringer Cobra. And if you do have a kid so what? You we won’t let anything happen. Fuck Beth. We’ll bring him or her home and that kid’s going to have the best fucking life ever. You have to remember you aren’t alone. Blue’s going to be okay. You’re going to be okay, too,” Cali said.
I nodded my head, agreeing with her every word.
Romero and Cali had gone through hell.