Page 61 of Outcasts (Badlands 3)
“We’ll be home in less than ten,” he said. Due to the fact he wasn’t touchin me, I knew what that meant. The word ‘home’ made my heart swell. Home was with him. Home was with our family.
Home was where Vance would soon find out how great it felt to be fucked in the ass without givin permission.
“Why did Romero cut the mayor off?” I asked to distract myself from the inferno goin on inside me, licking the roof of my mouth for any trace of his semen.
“Cabrona.” Katya tisked, making me grin.
“Sorry about that,” I volunteered, not really sorry at all. I wondered if I should be worried that I didn’t care that much, but then I’d have to care for it to be an option.
“No the fuck you’re not,” Cobra laughed.
“Girl, I could watch that spank bank material every day. You two are hot together. There’s nothing wrong with being sexual. It’s human nature. We’re animals after all, savages who figured out how to walk and talk.”
“We agreed to just be friends, Kat. You can’t say those things, now I’m in love,” Cobra sighed dramatically, making Blue giggle. Bless her, she was so sweet.
Grimm took hold of my face, makin me give him my eyes before he answered, gently rubbin my cheek with the thumb that was just inside me. “We’re filthy,” I laughed.
“We’re the best kind of filth, Brat,” he smirked, pressin that same thumb to my lips for me to suck.
“You know Rome, so you know he isn’t one to be controlled. That’s what the mayor was doing. Romero found new suppliers outside Centriole. Now he won’t take any form of contact from him. There goes the mayor’s real power,” he finally answered, pulling his finger away.
“Makes….sense,” I cocked my head, furrowin my brows.
I reached up pressin my hand over his mouth to hush him, and he bit me.
“Ouch, you fucker.” I jerked away.
“Don’t fucking hush me.”
“Ya’ll are damn idiots, you know that? If the mayor wants to hold his power he needs the same thing Vitus needs to make nice with Romero. And what better leverage is there than his ‘daughter’? I’m best friends with the devil’s fiancée, in love with the Grimm, and adore Cobra.
Romero’s bitch of an ex could have easily told this to Noah, and, well, boom! I’m your leverage. Lock me away as a pawn. I reckon he didn’t count on being ignored, so he brought in the Venom.” The more I figured it out the faster I talked, and the more pissed I became.
All the people he’d sent outside the wall, the babies lost, the death of my real father. Using me, brainwashing Beth into what she had become. His offenses went on and on. He deserved to pay penance for his sins just like every other dick on my shit list would.
I began wonderin what it was the Venom would get out of this, especially now that Vitus had given up Vance?
What the fuck were all these people hiding?
Chapter Twenty-Four
At three in the morning we arrived home.
The main gates manned by armed acolytes, swung open. Cobra drove the long distance to the main house, and parked in front of what I considered a mansion.
It was all so familiar, but like I was seein it for the first time. The main ceiling fixture was a black ram head in the center of an inverted pentacle that held four light fixtures.
The wall fixtures were deep golden colored ram heads serving as placeholders for candelabras in the shape of inverted crosses.
It was all comforting, somehow.
“Get ready,” Grimm laughed softly.
I was starin at the smooth hardwood floor when he said that; I didn’t see Cali until she rushed me. She grabbed my arm and hugged the hell out of it, and partially me.
I was so thrown off by her huggin me at all, I just stood there. “I missed you so much! I can’t hug you because my fucking stomach gets in the way.” Someone had clearly swapped my Cali with another. When did she like hugs?