Page 56 of Outcasts (Badlands 3)
I wondered how much longer we’d be walkin.
“Do you need me to say those three little words, Brat?”
“Nope,” I answered honestly. At least, not right then I didn’t. I would be patient, but I would want them eventually.
“You’d really marry me?” I asked.
He shrugged like that was an answer.
“You’ll be mercy. I’ll be death.”
“You be my Jack, and I’ll be your Sally,” I quipped in response.
I wasn’t sure if he knew what I was referring to but his soft laughter told me he did.
Our conversation ended as he pointed to an opening in the Valley wall a few feet ahead of us.
Apparently, we’d reached our destination.
Chapter Twenty-one
It looked like a haunted fortress of crumbling cellblocks and empty guard-towers.
“Well, you definitely picked the right time of day,” I mused.
Grass nearly as tall as me surrounded the decaying brick building. The acolytes fanned out so fast I couldn’t even see them anymore. They were like mice: mute, sneaky, and fast.
Carrion birds gathered on the roof of the prison. They seemed to be everywhere we went.
Grimm pulled the hood up on his newly acquired black ensemble, his eyes getting that calculated, deadly look in them he wore so well.
Katya surprised me by adjusting a stiletto knife in her boot.
“Will they have guns?” Blue asked.
“Yes, but they won’t pull the trigger unless it’s a last resort. They don’t know the structure of this building, and they’ll realize soon enough we didn’t come alone,” Cobra answered her.
“There’s ten of us—.”
“Much more than that. Romero wouldn’t send us anywhere without ensuring we were ten times stronger than whatever the fuck we’re up against. “In this case, there are twelve people–– that’s including Noah, and we all know he can’t fight his way out of shit.”
I could only assume he’d gotten all this information during one of his many vanishing acts for him to be so specific.
We approached the building and my nerves zinged. They all looked ready to fuck shit up, except Blue. She actually looked Blue.
Katya was definitely the backbone of their duo. She seemed shy, reserved, and sweet.
I had a gut feelin she would be the first and only one of us to go. For the first time in awhile, I felt guilty.
“Blue, you stay with us. Cobra, take Kat. I’ll meet you in the west wing.”
“Go kill some shit, sis,” Cobra grinned, droppin a kiss on my cheek before all but dragging Kat away.
“Be safe,” I mouthed to her, catchin a small thumb up before I couldn’t see her anymore.
“Take this,” Grimm said, nudging me with a familiar black gun.
“You actually got it back?” I tucked the solid piece of metal in the waistband of my shorts.