Page 5 of Outcasts (Badlands 3)
Lucidity washed over me and I knew I’d been drugged again. The stiff mattress beneath me barely creaked as he thrust in and out. Raw. He was always raw when he forced his cock inside me when I couldn’t give consent. My fingers twitched as my body became as awake as my brain.
I did my best to ignore his groans of pleasure, feeling the acid bubblin in my stomach as I had no choice but to lie wide open. I felt like a starfish, sticky and stuck.
Willing all feeling to come back, I flexed both fists as a test, reacting before it had fully sunken in that I could move.
“Get the fuck off me, Noah!”
So caught up in releasing the pleasure in his tiny balls, he hadn’t realized I was awake. His face was the perfect picture of surprise as he fell onto the floor, leaving behind a nausea-inducing wetness between my thighs.
“I was almost done,” he sighed, as if I’d majorly inconvenienced him, already grabbing for the Cattle prod I could never get to in time.
“You’re a sick fuck!” I closed my legs and sat up, preparing to fight him off best I could if he tried comin at me again.
I wouldn’t rush him. I’d learned my lesson the first and second time he’d shocked me with the damn stick in his hand—the one he acquired after he had to have me pulled off him. The first time we fought, we were like two men in a ring goin for a championship belt. His precious ego hadn’t taken that loss too well.
That’s when the prod came into the picture. He’d blindsided me with it, shocked the hell outta me and brought me clean to my knees. I never wanted to be on the business end of that thing again.
If I ever got a hold of it, I was gonna jam it straight up his ass and fry his shitter from the inside out.
“Petals, I don’t know why you deny what’s between us.”
“Ain’t anything between us, you sick, shrivel dicked asshole.” I glared at him. He shut his eyes and sighed, tightening his grip on the prod. You’d think I would’ve learned to shut the hell up, considerin my mouth is what got me in this situation.
“Petals.” He sighed again.
I curled my lip at the stupid name. Why the hell did he choose it?
He muttered something unintelligible beneath his breath, and wordlessly readjusted the ridiculous white robe he always wore. His father’s order had been disbanded, largely thanks to him, so I didn’t see his point at first, but after being stuck with him for so long I’d overheard quite a few things I shouldn’t have.
“Denial can only hold out for so long. You know you’re not leaving me, so you might as well make the best of our relationship.”
He stared at me expectantly, and I stared back in pure disgust.
I hated him. Not just for what he did to me, but what he’d done to Cali, too, the sweet girl who was supposed to be his sister, turned out she wasn’t, but that was still damn sickening.
I hated him touching me the way he did. I hated this feelin of helplessness.
“You’re pathetic. Get out of my room.”
Swiping a hand through his short, dark hair, he frowned and gave a shake of his head. He looked nothing like Romero, his brother. And they couldn’t have been more different.
One was a rat placed in a maze and made to do another’s bidding, while the other was the head of the Savages. Romero was a king, the very devil I’d heard so much about, and the Badlands was his personal hell.
After a brief hiatus, he was back, and making that known to everyone and anyone who tested him with my newfound best friend, Cali, at his side.
Noah desperately coveted the power Romero had. He wanted the adoration and loyalty his brother’s acolytes willingly gave.
He would never have it. What was it with men in their need to have big ol dick measurin contests? Noah was strong, but debilitated next to Romero. He was occasionally smart; Romero was ten times smarter.
None of that had stopped his thirst for his brother’s throne, and that, in its self, made him a damn fool.
Not to mention the army that stood between him and making that happen, and the other key players he’d have to go up against. Last time I pointed all that out, he almost punched my head off my shoulders. Lesson learned.
“I’ve been trying to make it work between us for the past three weeks. I don’t know what else to do.” He went to the door, keeping his front towards me so I couldn’t jump him from behind, the prod out in front of him like a shield. “You’ll change your mind by Thursday morning.”
The door was open and shut with him on the other side before I could ask what he meant. I didn’t even know what day it was.
One lock clicked, followed by the second, and then finally, the chain was slid in place.