Page 38 of Outcasts (Badlands 3)
“Excuse the fuck out of me, but it was to keep you safe, princess,” Cobra drawled.
We entered the staircase and I wound up sandwiched between them, clearly on purpose.
“Why does Noah want me so badly?” I asked as we exited onto the next floor.
“Because he has a god complex,” Cobra snorted, stepping through the open doorway that led to the next level.
“The same reason he was giving you those pills,” Grimm answered.
I ain’t know what he meant by that, and didn’t get a chance to ask.
A woman’s short scream blasted through the air. It was so unexpected, I almost fell over my own two feet. If we’d gone left, it came from the right. It was followed by a door slamming.
“Keep moving.” Grimm nudged my lower back. “They might not be here for you after all.”
What the hell? “So those fuckers are gonna hurt some other woman, and we’re gonna keep going about our business?” I protested and tried to stop walkin, but Grimm was right at my back preventin me from doing so.
“There aren’t any heroes here, sis. Don’t go trying to change that,” Cobra said, siding with Grimm, of course.
I didn’t want to be a goddamn hero; I wanted to slit their fuckin throats open. I wanted to see how they liked havin the tides turned on them. I condemned every single one of those bastards by association.
They made me suffer, and laid me to ruin. They took pride in my pain, and took what didn’t belong to them. It was because of them that I felt dead inside.
I never fuckin wanted this. I didn’t ask to be forsaken and left to crash in the dark. But that’s where I was now. Grimm wanted me to embrace my hatred, pain, and rage. Well, this was me doin just that. I could feel it pumpin through my veins like a bittersweet madness.
I stood and planted myself between my boys.
“They made a mess of me. They need to pay for their sins and atone with flesh and bone.”
It was silent for all of five seconds.
“Well then, I can’t argue with that excellent point,” Cobra humphed, his demeanor swiftly changin. “She wants to play, Grimmy.”
Grimm ignored him entirely, focusing solely on me, seeing everything I wasn’t saying aloud. “I’m not going to try and stop you. If this is what you want, let the red crusade begin.” He stepped back and opened the door we’d just come through.
“You won’t see me, but I’ll always be right behind you.” He nodded down the stairwell. “Go, you’re running out of time.”
Knowing his words were full of promise, I darted through the doorway, planting a quick kiss on his cheek on my way past.
I stood on the landing for a few seconds, tryna get my bearings. When I glanced back, Grimm and Cobra were nowhere to be seen.
They would know just where to go. Unlike me, those two were well seasoned hunters.
Knowledgeable of how large this damn hospital was thanks to Grimm, they could’ve been anywhere. But as if I had some internal compass, I knew exactly which way to head.
I began making my way down the stairs, oddly thinking of Ma as I did. What would she say if she knew I was seconds away from making peace with the demon crawling up my spine like a black widow eager to spread its venom through my veins?
What would she think of me now that I’d kissed death and liked it?
She’d probably preach to me and tell me to get down and pray, not understandin it was too late. There was no redemption for the wicked.
I had nothin to repent for.
I wouldn’t have any regrets.
I’m sorry Father, for I no longer give a shit.
Chapter Fifteen