Page 81 of Deviants (Badlands 2)
n to give Cobra the okay.
The ram head sailed through the window, no doubt smacking right into the chick’s chest or landing on the man she’d been riding.
Cobra was gone before she even started screaming, coming up on my ass as I kicked the front door open.
Luther and Grimm kicked open the back.
I side-stepped the naked bitch trying to run out the front. Cobra raised his leg and kicked her straight in the stomach, sending her careening backward.
He took hold of her hair and dragged her to the couch, tossing her naked ass right on the two men already sitting on it.
“Stay the fuck down.” I aimed at Dhal and the man she was sitting with.
Grimm shoved the missing link to our couple forward by the hair. The man was stark naked, covering his dick with one hand, and trembling so hard you might think he was seizing.
“Where the fuck is she, Dhal?” I made my way towards her, wasting no time with casualties.
I wasn’t in the mood for the rambling shit; I wanted answers. I circled around her buddy sitting beside her, held the base of my gun to his head, and pulled the trigger.
“I was only trying to help you, Rome. You wanted David gone for so long. I––” She screamed, cowering and getting hit with blood and chunks of brain matter.
He fell to the floor with a decent sized portion of his head missing. She’d crack before they were all dead. Dhal could never handle this shit.
The people on the couch huddled together, as if that would do anything to protect them.
“He’s pissing.” Grimm nodded, raising his gun and firing a round at the naked man who, sure enough, was pissing himself.
His face made a perfect O as he dropped in place, a red hole forming in his stomach.
The bitch on the couch flinched and covered herself but didn’t seem all that upset, in my opinion.
“Romero p-p-please, let me exp––”
“Shut the fuck up.”
I pressed the barrel of my gun into the side of Dhal’s head. If she thought she still meant something to me, she had life all the way fucked up. I didn’t let someone fuck me over and then sit back to see if they were dumb enough to do it again.
I sniffed the air and smelled something cooking. Glancing into the kitchen, I saw a large red pot on a burner.
“Grimm.” I nodded towards the pan.
Cobra grabbed the naked girl off the couch and walked her over to the table to sit down.
“She’s next,” Cobra sang, cupping the woman’s tits and squeezing until she whimpered. Luther approached and nudged her legs apart, placing the barrel of his own gun right against her pussy.
“Dinner!” Grimm walked in and sat the pan of boiling eggs in the center of the table. Steam wafted off it and the water still bubbled.
“You’re going to tell me where Arlen is and who the fuck you’re helping.”
“I just want––”
“You know, I don’t like repeating myself. I asked you the same question twice now. I don’t give a shit why you did it. You made a choice, and now you’re going to pay the motherfucking consequences.”
I handed my gun off to Grimm.
“Are you hungry, Dhal? Is that it? It must be impairing your hearing.” Lifting her up by the back of the head, I fisted her bloody hair and slammed her face first into the pot of egg water.
She screamed, flailing her arms and kicking out with her feet. Her face was tinged bright red when I finally pulled her up. She coughed and sputtered, grabbing at her cheeks.