Page 62 of Deviants (Badlands 2)
“Rome!” I feigned indignation, feeling my face warm.
“You know I think you look beautiful in anything.”
I nodded, not giving a shit that there was a room full of people witnessing a disgustingly tender moment between us.
“Great. Now, if Cali could give my bro his balls back and move along,” Cobra drawled.
“Shut up, that was definitely getting laid worthy,” Arlen retorted.
“Is that all it takes?” Grimm asked her with zero amusement.
She glared and flipped him off.
“I got it!” I jumped up excitedly from where I’d been kneeling on the floor. I glanced back at Romero. “Can we play now?”
“I thought you’d never ask.”
She wasn’t half-way done and Veronica was already screaming loud enough to break the windows.
“My goodness, shut the fuck up,” Cali mumbled, pushing the needle through her upper eyelid and looping it through the lower, pulling the thread taut before starting another.
Marco writhed in his chair across from us, yelling around his gag until he was red in the face. Cali worked at a quick speed, weaving the thread in and out. Her fingers were coated with blood, along with the needle.
“All one of you has to do is tell us where to find the other bishops, and this can all be a thing of the past.” She forced the gag back in Veronica’s mouth and stood up, leaving the spool of thread attached to her eyelid to dangle. “I have to use the restroom. Cobra, maybe you should try.”
He dropped the hunting magazine he’d been engrossed in and hopped up. “I’d love to.”
I laughed at his enthusiasm. Cali vanished into the bathroom and shut the door. A second later, the sink turned on.
“So, how do you want to do this, my liege?” he asked me.
“Do your thing.” I crossed my arms and stood calmly behind Marco’s chair.
“Okay, then.” He took hold of the dangling spool and jerked it so hard the needle tore straight through Vicky’s eyelid.
I watched her and Marco both yell behind their gags, but I knew he wasn’t ready to talk just yet, and Vicky was following his lead.
I gnawed my bottom lip and we shared a look, paying no attention the piece of eyelid now on the floor. We shared a look and I shrugged. “You up for it?”
“I’m always up for it.” Cobra grinned.
“Brat, come take my spot.”
She looked up from the table where she’d been going through all the paperwork they’d brought to the cabin.
Once she was at the window and Grimm was in position, we made our move. Even with one eye full of blood and missing a chunk of her eyelid, Vicky quickly figured out what was going on. Marco didn’t get it until it was too late.
“Calm down, sweetheart, he might enjoy it.” I patted the top of her head and smirked.
Cobra had just dropped his pants when Cali stepped back out of the bathroom. She made her way to me, taking in the new scene with curiosity.
Marco was bent over the chair, his ankles were tied to together, and his wrists were bound. Grimm kept him pinned with his strength to make everything a little easier.
Cobra lined his dick up, spreading the man’s ass wide open and plowing in dry. Marco screeched and tears spilled down his cheeks. He tried to move his upper body to fight off the assault, but Grimm’s grip was ironclad.
“You ready to talk yet?” Cali asked Vicky, running her hand down the woman’s tearstained face.