Page 4 of Deviants (Badlands 2)
This was such a damn clusterfuck.
Looking up at the hazy-orange sky, I stared for a moment before squinting, making sure my eyes weren’t deceiving me—that I really saw what looked like smoke.
There wasn’t any real civilization left near Narcoose Bridge, which meant it had to be from people. The Badlands had no good souls left. It was yet to be determined how dark these ones were.
A snap of my fingers was my only warning to Tito that he needed to move his feet or be left behind. I figured I might as well keep him around. He’d be perfect as a scapegoat.
Her sobs and screams were damn near inaudible now.
She writhed in pain, unable to clamp her legs closed due to the way I’d tied them open using the bedpost. I thrust inside her one last time, lifting my hand from where I’d knotted it in her hair so I could wrap it around her throat.
She feebly clawed at me and the bed sheets, croaking like a frog as she fought for air I refused to give. Her fear was tangible, drenching all my senses. It was the best kind of aphrodisiac. But this wasn’t about pleasure—not this time.
I continued pumping in and out of her until my muscles were sore and she stopped breathing, the life slowly fading from her brown eyes.
I pulled my knife from between her creamy thighs and cleaned the bloody blade with her habit. I couldn’t help but laugh at the irony of David sending me a virgin of all things, a stiff whiny bitch that could have never handled my idea of fucking.
I’m not sure what century he was living in, but those weren’t magical beings. Not that it mattered; I never had any intention of sticking my dick in her. She wasn’t privileged enough to know what I’d feel like buried inside her.
It took a particular pixie-sized, crazy ass blonde to do it for me anymore, one who knew how to fuck like she killed—mercilessly.
Reaching for the glass of water on the nightstand, I poured it over my hands and wiped them off as best I could with a different part of the black fabric.
Just as I tucked my knife away, the door swung open and David himself strolled inside. His face blanched at the scene. I smirked.
The nun he’d sent for Grimm was down on her hands and knees in a puddle of her own piss–being used as his personal footrest. Cobra was smoking a joint and finalizing tonight’s move on the other side of the room. His wounded left arm sat comfortably in a sling.
David swiftly regained his composure and gave me a flat look. “How many of them are you going to kill?”
“As many as you send.”
Swiping my shirt off the floor, I pulled it over my head and walked towards him. He gave me a level stare that was meant to show he wasn’t afraid of me. I knew better. He was seconds away from shitting down the back of his fraudulent holy robes.
I smiled, showing teeth this time just to make him a little more uncomfortable.
He cleared his throat and slightly shifted from left to right.
Fear was a drug I administered effortlessly. I didn’t even have to try; it always happened naturally. I wondered if he knew how little time he had left alive before I cut him into individual pieces and gave his head to Cali in a box.
“I’m not going to keep sending you girls if you don’t know how to take care of them,” he stated.
“We’ve only killed four, but who’s counting? None of us give a shit about the bitches you send in here. I have too much to do if we want this all to go smoothly. You said have fun with them…” I paused and stepped to the side so he could get a clear view of the mutilated pussy I’d left on display just for him. “That’s my definition of fun.”
He bought every word I said, sighing and nodding in agreement, refusing to stare at my craftsmanship.
“You’re right. I should have considered that and…your specific taste,” he added dryly, diverting his grey eyes to the floor.
I knew what he was doing. He thought he was testing me, and in his eyes, I was passing with flying colors. He wasn’t intelligent enough to outsmart me. I was twelve steps ahead of him. I’d planned this entire charade out meticulously; there was only one variable unaccounted for.
Cali. She was my unpredictable wild card.
Once she was back by my side, I couldn’t care less if he knew just how mine she was. That was inevitable; the world would know. The few acolytes I could depend on knew already from witnessing her initiation.
But as things stood right then, I didn’t give a shit about her, and had him believing she was the one who had orchestrated the killing off of his delegates by manipulating some of my people.