Page 58 of Savages (Badlands 1)
“It’s a celebration.”
“Of yourself? When did you have time to do all this?”
“I told you, I have connections. This celebration is for you…us.”
“Why would we celebrate with your cult? What are we even celebrating?”
I tried to stand up but he locked his arms around my waist.
“I thought you’d be happy about this. I’m letting you in.”
“I am…I think. I need a minute.” I kissed his cheek as a reassurance that I wasn’t all the way freaked out—yet. I went to stand again and this time he let me, only to motion two robed men over to take hold of me.
My heart lurched into my throat as I found myself on the ground, my arms and legs each secured to a wooden stake in the pentacle.
“What are you doing?”
I tugged at the rope around my wrists but couldn’t break free of it. “Rome?”
I wriggled around in the dirt as hooded figures surrounded me, all wearing the silver leviathan cross around their necks.
I looked all around me but could no longer see him. A man stepped forward, holding a wriggling baby ram in his hands.
He held it above me so another man could slit its throat.
“No!” I protested, turning my head as blood rained down on me from above, coating my chest and neck, some inevitably landing on my face.
The circle parted the smallest bit, and I lifted my head up to see a shirtless Romero back in front of me, wearing a mask a little different from everyone else’s.
“What are you doing to me?” I screamed at him, furiously tugging at my restraints. He covered my body with his, pressing me into the dirt. I felt a sharp pinch, then a sting, followed by something wet running down my legs.
I sucked in a sharp breath when the same thing was done on the other side, and then repeated twice more.
Dropping my head back I closed my eyes and focused only on breathing, trying to ignore the way my body was reacting and the endorphins swimming through my brain.
I still had my eyes closed when he shoved my underwear to the side and pushed into me. I was so wet he slid in with ease. I had no choice but to take every inch of him as blood ran down my legs.
The men around us begin to quietly chant ave satanas as he fucked me harder, making me break my silent pact not to make a sound.
The music pouring from her mouth emanated pleasure and pain, her muscles flexing every time I touched her with the tip of the knife.
I loved seeing her like this, coming apart; it was beautiful. Ever since we’d met, she’d fed the beast in me, teased him and damn near begged him to come out.
I wonder what she would think of all this when she woke up, when she wasn’t so high off pain and my dick making her come that she could think straight.
What we did was animalistic. It was dirty. It had to be done; I had to shove her headfirst over the edge and straight into my world. They needed to know she would be my side––forever. This was deeper than marriage. It never ended until we were both buried twelve feet under.
This thing between was still begging to be explored. She had no idea what the near future had in store for her. She wasn’t done being molded just yet.
All that aside, she was it for me.
She wasn’t classically gorgeous, wasn’t what anyone would think of when they thought of centerfolds.
She was a sick bitch.
Homicidal harlot.