Page 54 of Savages (Badlands 1)
“She never told me either,” Romero said from behind me, sliding his arms around my waist.
Locking the newfound information in my head, I spun around and wrapped my arms around his neck, accepting his hungry kiss. His skin was warm; wherever he’d gone, it was outside.
“Are you ready?” he asked, pulling away.
“Am I ready for what?”
“We’re going to play.”
This was insane. Period.
I looked at the large church and shook my head for the hundredth time.
“So, do we have a plan?”
“Yeah, kill everyone, make sure they’re dead, and go home,” Grimm tossed out.
“Gabe isn’t a loner like Azel; there’s going to be lots of other people in there.”
“I called in some friends,” Romero finally said.
I looked at him for an explanation but he didn’t give one.
“Do your friends wear creepy hooded robes and walk like cult members?” Arlen asked in a dry tone. “Cause they’re here.”
Turning in my seat, my jaw slackened as a surge of people in black robes washed through the parking lot and headed straight for Gabe’s abode.
“Let’s go.”
With no other choice, I climbed out and barely missed getting plowed over by a group of four…people.
“So creepy,” Arlen mumbled, coming to stand beside me.
It was majorly creepy. Everyone in a black robe had a white mask on and a large leviathan cross hanging around their neck. The inverted cross tattooed beneath Romero and his friends’ eyes was painted in the corners on either side of the odd masks.
My mind was screaming something at me but I couldn’t hear it or I didn’t understand. Where had all these people come from?
“Come on,” Cobra said, jogging ahead of us.
We were almost at the doors when a group of people in the black robes rushed through them, and they all began stampeding in. Glass shattered from others breaking in through the windows. A symphony of screams filled the air soon after.
By time I was able to walk in, complete pandemonium had erupted. Bodies lay on the floor, in the aisles, and over the backs of pews. The cross that hung on the back wall had been knocked down, tearing a chunk of drywall down with it.
Spotting Father Gabe in the back of the church trying to sneak away, I zeroed in on him and took off after him. I hopped over a woman who had had her neck gouged open, and a man whose nose was half-gone. Blood coated the marble floor, making me slip more than a few times.
I was a little surprised to find Gabe in his office alone, pacing back and forth. It wasn’t until I slipped in and shut the door that I saw he had a silver gun in his hand. Shock, recognition and anger played out on his features as he immediately recognized who I was.
“You’ve got to be shitting me. Calista.” He gave me the same smile he used to give right before sticking his dick in me.
I stepped forward and he raised the gun. I stepped forward again, and he narrowed his eyes. “So, this is what you’ve been doing?” He laughed a brittle laugh and shook his head.
“Where are your friends, Father? I was hoping we could all play.” I used the same line David had taught me, and the same innocent voice; he slightly wavered.
Smiling, I persisted.
“Would you like me on my knees, Father, or do you want me bent over the desk?”
“I know what you’re doing, Calista. I wasn’t born yesterday. Don’t take another step unless you want a bullet in your skull.”