Page 33 of Savages (Badlands 1)
“Damn, Grimm, I feel your emotions so strongly,” Cobra joked.
I knew why he was really asking us that question, and didn’t bother answering it. Cali was not Tiffany. I didn’t need to use her to that extreme, and I sure as fuck would never share her. The thought of another motherfucker touching her was enough to make me see red.
A soft ping had us all looking towards the stairs, watching Cali make her way down them. She was freshly showered and dressed in an over-sized white tank and black lacy knee highs she tied together with a fitted leather jacket and the same pair of black boots from earlier.
She definitely had a certain way she liked to dress; pulling it off with a box of dead people’s clothing was impressive but I’d rather she have whatever she wanted at easy disposal.
With a smile and wave, she made her way into the kitchenette where the three of us were, giving Arlen a quick once over.
She impaled me with her blue gems and smiled a little bigger. I felt that shit in my gut.
I did a lot of sick shit. I killed without remorse and ruthlessly took whatever I wanted. I didn’t believe in any of that love at first sight bullshit—I didn’t even know what the fuck love was—but I was fucking positive Cali was my soul mate.
“Hey ya’ll.” She greeted all of us but came straight to me.
If any other chick tried this with me, she would have been drop kicked to the other side of the room. I didn’t do clingy, emotional, or needy. I did Cali.
Pushing a few stray strands of blonde hair out of her face, I gripped the back of her neck and pulled her into me, sealing my mouth over hers. She placed her dainty hands on my chest and sighed, parting her soft lips and twining her tongue around mine.
I loved the way she smelled because she smelled like me—like she was mine.
I felt like a goddamn Neanderthal as much as I kept repeating that word in my head.
My dick was constantly engorged since I’d met her. Fucking had never been a must on my to-do list and now it was at the top of it. Cali was a pain slut and I was more than happy to give her what she needed. Everything about this woman made me feel more insane than I already was.
“When you two finish mouth fucking, the chili is done,” Cobra drawled.
“I’ll wake the brat up,” Grimm volunteered, giving Cali an appraising look as he turned away.
“You need to eat.” Breaking away from her, I took the bowl from Cobra’s hands and nudged her towards the table. She eyed the ram-head centerpiece but didn’t comment on it.
“You could have done that a lot gentler, you shithead,” Arlen snapped as she took a seat beside Cali and glared at Grimm, who was holding her shoulder.
He gave her a rare smile and placed another bowl in front of her.
“This is really, really good,” Cali enthused, licking her spoon and giving me all kinds of visuals.
“Compliments to the chef, who also happens to be a pretty badass redheaded dude.” Cobra grinned and Cali beamed back at him.
I reached into my back pocket and pulled out a weathered picture that was creased and wrinkled from how many times I had folded and unfolded it.
While it would be ideal to stay buried in Cali’s pussy all day and eat chili all night, that wasn’t realistic. I still had shit to do and the clock hadn’t stopped ticking.
As soon as she took her last bite, I placed the picture in front of her. “How many of these people do you remember?”
Her reaction was instant. An onslaught of emotions flashed across her face and I knew every one of them intimately, starting with anger, shame, and disgust before the pain was masked with indifference.
“All of them,” she answered in a flat tone.
“Which one hurt you?” Grimm interjected, asking the question I had never planned to ask but was going to.
Her blue hues darted around the room. Before she could have another episode like she did in my playroom, I brought her focus solely to me.
I gripped her jaw and turned her face towards me, blocking everyone else from view.
“Who was it?”
“All of them,” she whispered.