Page 23 of Savages (Badlands 1)
Something rapidly built in my core, pervading through me like liquid lightning as he hit that sweet spot with brutal thrusts over and over again.
Oh my god.
He let my throat go and leaned down to catch my barrage of moans in his mouth as I came apart around him. I couldn’t see. A black curtain drew across my vision. I stopped breathing completely. I never knew I could feel pleasure in every part of my body strong enough to leave me shuddering and pulling him into me to go deeper, clawing at his back.
Fuzzy specs of white danced before my eyes as he continued to fuck me into the mattress. When his dick swelled, he immediately pulled out with a low groan, spurting warm come all over my breasts. With a swirl of his fingers, he massaged it into my skin.
“Fuck,” he softly cursed.
Still trying to breathe again, I lifted my head and looked between us, seeing his come mixed with the blood between my thighs and trickling from my wound.
He pushed my hands away so he could examine where his handiwork had come undone.
“I’ve got a first aid kit––”
“You don’t need one, it’s not that bad,” I lied.
His hands landed on my shoulders to prevent me from hopping off the sink where he had sat me. “I’m gonna ignore the fact that you just spoke over me. You’re gonna sit your ass on this counter until I get back with the kit.” He stepped away, giving me a warning glare before exiting the bathroom.
As soon as I heard his bedroom door shut, I stood up, steadying myself on trembling legs.
Holding my head in my hands, I tried to make myself regret what had transpired between us but the feeling wouldn’t come. So many men had used me and none of them had ever made me feel like he just did.
I should have foreseen this coming. The powerful frequency between us had our souls fucking before we ever touched. No, I could never regret the painfully sweet ache he created between my thighs.
Ever since I’d discovered who he was two years ago, he’d done the impossible. He intrigued me like no man had ever done before. He was beautiful and sick, like me—the star of all my obscene fantasies.
The throbbing in my side steadily reminded me he was real. He was more than pictures and the erotic nightmares I craved late at night.
This lust though, my secret obsession, was dangerous. I had yet to see just what he was capable of, but I knew he was merciless, ruthless. He had an aura around him that was so dark it could blot out the sun. It seeped into everything around him. I knew I wouldn’t be the exception but that didn’t bother me; I harbored my own demons inside me.
Through the white noise inside my head, I distinctly remembered Tito warning me, “You don’t want to end up like his last girl.”
Now that I thought about some of the things he’d said, it was alarmingly obvious Tito had known more than he’d let on. Some of the things he’d told me could never be learned from a sheet of paper or in-depth research. They were too personal. The Savages were notorious, but they were also highly secure and private.
Of all the things I’d found out about him, no woman had ever come up. So how did Tito know there ever was one? I mean, she clearly wasn’t around anymore. That’s if she ever existed in the first place. He could have easily made it up in his failed attempt to ward me off.
I was inclined to believe she was either no longer breathing or their relationship had ended on an unpleasant note.
A chain of truth tried to form in my mind, but there were too many goddamn links missing. I couldn’t ask, either, not without giving up information on the other and risking being lied to. Right then, I barely even trusted myself.
“Didn’t I tell you not to move?”
“I didn’t like the way you asked.” Lifting my head, I clenched the shirt covering my waist a little tighter and took a quick inventory of the things in Romero’s hands as he re-entered the room.
“I didn’t fucking ask you anything. You know what? We need to get a few things clear.” He brushed past me and sat everything in the sink. Then, he scooped me up as if I were a ragdoll and deposited me right back on the counter, parking his muscular body between my legs.
“You gorgeous girl,” he murmured, brushing strands of hair out of my face.
“I don’t want to hurt you…wait. That’s not how I want to start.” He gave me a skewed grin and shook his head. “I do want to hurt you. There are so many…
things I want to do you. And I will. You’ll love every torturous second of it…eventually.” He smoothed the pad of his thumb across my bottom lip.
“I don’t want to hurt you for pissing me off, Cali, not this early in our relationship.”
Early in our…