Page 10 of Savages (Badlands 1)
“I’ll never tell you.” She tried to sound strong, but with spittle flying from her mouth and her voice almost gone, I was severely unimpressed.
“That’s funny. I swear a few hours ago you said you couldn’t remember.”
I grabbed her cheeks and squeezed, applying pressure on her tender gums. Her pained bleat was a fucking delightful sound. I knew she would never tell me where her precious prophet was. None of them ever did. I’d lost count of how many people I had killed trying to get a solid answer. The motherfucker had his followers brainwashed.
These people’s weak, corruptible minds believed his interests and theirs were the same. The Order wasn’t a religious group; it was a widespread cult with a made up doctrine that revered David like a god. They had their own convenient definitions of sin that matched their bullshit religion, which made the fact that David used a fucking cross of all things as his insignia comical.
I used the symbol in a much more appropriate way. It was my endearing way of saying fuck him. I could never embrace that shit. The only god I believed in was myself and death, and she had always been on my side.
As I watched blood begin to pool between the woman’s lips. I wondered how many children she had helped steal. How many men and women were killed in front of her. It wasn’t that I cared—I was just curious.
I was still squeezing when Cobra and Grimm walked in, carrying sandwiches.
“Get rid of her. We have a problem,” Cobra announced around a mouthful of food.
“Lena still hasn’t come back,” Grimm clarified.
“Well, that doesn’t fucking surprise me.” I let go of the woman’s face to retrieve the Browning knife I kept in my back pocket. With one fluid motion, I flipped it open and inserted the seven-inch blade into the side of her neck, then just as smoothly pulled it out.
She gurgled, choking on own her blood. Her body swayed, twitching involuntarily as it died. I placed the palm of my hand over her heart and shut my eyes. It was beating in an erratic tempo, fighting so desperately to cling to a life that was already lost.
I expelled a quiet breath and opened my eyes to watch the blood run down her face, turning her honey brown hair a vivid maroon before dripping in a steady pattern onto the concrete floor.
Death was such a beautiful thing. She could take everything in the blink of an eye, or draw the suffering out for as long as she desired.
I wiped my knife clean on the woman’s habit and then turned to face my brothers. “I guess we need to go find Lena, then. I’ll get her down later.”
“I’ll drive, you eat,” Grimm replied, tossing me a sandwich on our way out of the room.
We searched the only place someone could get lost—the woods that sat twelve miles down the road. The longer we were out playing find the needle, the more our irritation grew.
I could admit that for the most part, society had kept its shit together. We weren’t considered part of that society. We didn’t live in the fancy fucking houses that had twenty-four seven patrols and a fence to keep people like us out. You know the ones who tie up Daddy, terrorize the kiddos, and then fuck Mommy to ramp up the despair? We are those people.
It was dumb to go anywhere alone if you weren’t someone people knew not to fuck with. I wanted to believe Lena didn’t come across someone that fucking stupid, but the evidence was not in her favor.
“I don’t think she’s out here,” Grimm said, breaking our companionable silence.
“Do you think that’s human?” Cobra pointed to a flattened plant with a small amount of fresh blood on its leaves. Looking beyond the plant, it was obvious someone or something was recently dragged through the dirt.
Guess we were about to find out which one it was.
He secured a chain around my neck and knocked me on my ass before walking away.
I immediately wrapped my hands around the thick metal and pulled to no avail, agitating the raw skin on my palms.
“This can’t be happening to me.” I gritted my teeth and tried again, yanking with all the strength I had.
“It’s not going to give. Trust me, I’ve tried.”
I stopped and looked across the barn in the direction the voice had come from.
A girl who looked to be a few years younger than me was chained to the adjacent wall. The sun filtering in from outside bounced off a long, chocolate brown hair and illuminated a pair of cognac colored eyes.
Various flower and henna tattoos were inked on her bronze skin.
“How long have you been here?” I asked, taking a good look around.