Page 34 of Opaque Melodies (Coveting Delirium 1)
Sliding back into the driver’s seat, I appreciate how was much easier this was than having to play civilian Alaric. I would have had to bring Niklaus along with me or he’d have thrown a giant bitch fit for being left out.
We would have then had to drive three cities over, pick out marks, and then lure them to us with the promise of gifting them with what was between our legs. All that effort for a woman I wasn’t going to turn inside out seemed rather pointless. Lydia served a much better purpose—for once in her meager life.
I put on some classical music and began the tedious journey home.
I couldn’t get the scene out of my head.
I’d already known Alaric was intense. His confidence was larger than the ocean. He was controlling, domineering, and often overwhelming. There was an ever-present aura of menace around him. Manipulative was yet another attribute I could to the list.
He was someone that should’ve had a flashing warning sign affixed to them.
Not that it would have done me much good. All these things that should have served as a deterrent were even more alluring. For girls like me, everything bad for us was twice as tempting.
I stared out at the water, watching the birds soar freely, their wings carrying them wherever they wanted to go. I’d moved from the piano to the lounge chair deciding it was time to call my mother. She didn’t even let the dial ring fully once before picking up.
“Why are you answering like you’re not who would be on the other line?”
“You haven’t spoken to me in days! I was beginning to think something happened to you.”
I leaned back and crossed my legs at the ankle. “That’s dramatic. I’ve been texting you.”
“Anyone can text.”
“From my phone? Never mind, anyways, you can see I’m alive.”
“And how is Alaric treating you? Are you happy?”
I toyed with a strand of my hair. I’d forgotten to ask him if she was the one who orchestrated this entire thing, aside from Meg’s death. Asking her would be pointless, she’d just evade the question. Then again, Alaric was quite evasive himself.
“We’re not a couple if that’s what you’re getting at. He feeds me and keeps me entertained.”
“Entertained, huh? Maybe in a way that has you walking side to side?”
I choked on a laugh and replied with a firm, “No.” There wasn’t a reason to tell her he wouldn’t give me the dick I never knew I needed.
Some things didn’t need to be discussed with your parents.
“Well, you’re still young. I’m sure you two will be fine when the dust settles.”
That was an odd thing to say. “Whatever that means. I’m not actively seeking out a relationship with him. You know how I can get.”
“You deserve love just as much as anyone else, no matter how messed up that head of yours is.”
“Wow, thanks mom,” I replied dryly. I wasn’t going to touch on the L word. Alaric and I weren’t anywhere close to that bomb being dropped. Despite what he had to say about it. I was falling for him, though. Dangerously so.
“You’ll call me and check in now, won’t you?” she asked, her tone hopeful.
“I’ll call you, but not to check in.”
Hearing the door behind me open, I twisted around and was more than a little surprised to see Rebecca making her way out to the patio.
“Mom…I’ve gotta go.” I ended the call without waiting for her response.
“Enjoying the view?” Rebecca asked, planting herself on the lounge chair beside me. In a pencil skirt, eight-inch heels, and a silken top, she looked completely out of place.
“Why don’t you just spit out whatever territorial speech you came to give?”
Her blood red lips turned up at the corners. “You have shitty people skills.”
“I’m not a people person so that doesn’t really bother me.”
She laughed and sat a little higher.
“We could have been friends.”
“I have a friend. I don’t want another. Not like you anyways.”
A flash of white appeared between her pouty lips. “I didn’t come here to give you a speech. Alaric and I may have been fuck buddies once, but that time has long since passed. I’m not your competition. I’m here to warn you.”
“Warn me?” I eyed her suspiciously.
She gave me an icy appraisal, sighing before she finally looked away.
“I couldn’t figure out why he’d taken such a vested interest in you. You’re pretty, but all Alaric’s toys are pretty, some more than others.”
Was that an insult? I sat up and swung my legs over the side of the lounge chair. Rebecca continued speaking, undeterred.
“He’ll fuck you because he’s a man, and men love pussy. Especially when its attached to crazy bitches, but Alaric’s going to fuck your mind twice as hard as he is your body.”
“Why are you telling me this?”
“So you can try and get out before it’s too late.”