Page 20 of Opaque Melodies (Coveting Delirium 1)
“Sure do.” He flipped his briefcase around and unzipped it.
“What is the point in going forward if you already know the result?” Rebecca asked suddenly.
“Because the desired result is yet to be obtained.”
Niklaus handed me off a manila file folder. “You sure she doesn’t know anything?”
“I’m starting to think you two really are intentionally trying to piss me off. I know what the fuck I’m doing. I’ve been at this so long I could do it with my eyes closed.”
“I’d never question you bro, you’re the best of the best. I just want to make sure we cover all angles.”
“After eating with her the other night, being around her in general, I assure you Catalina is none the wiser, which is for the best. She’ll get the truth when we’re finished.”
“Finished as in her blood will be being scrubbed off a wall or…? I just want to be clear because if you decide not to--.”
My glare silenced him. His hands came up in defense.
“I got it. Off limits.”
“Well, I don’t get it,” Rebecca huffed, shaking her head of platinum hair.
“Yes, you do, you’re just behaving like a jealous bitch because my charming brother here has decided to finally commit his cock to one woman. A beautiful woman, I might add.”
I only half-listened to their petty argument, preoccupied with the contents of the file folder, taking note of all the crucial details.
“You were technically married to her sister,” Rebecca continued.
I couldn’t help but laugh at the absurdity of that statement.
“You say that as if it was a marriage of love and devotion. As if my dick didn’t suffer severely anytime I had to stick it in that cesspool of a pussy.”
“I just thought we had an overall focus. Where does this little girl fit in?”
“Why does it sound like you’re questioning me and my methods? We all know why I ‘married’ Megan. It was to gain something. I got it. Now we’re extremely close to accomplishing the other portion of that task. Catalina is an important piece of the puzzle, my important piece.”
“No goddamn buts Rebecca. Catalina is staying. I suggest you get your shit together or go downstairs so I can fix the pain in the ass problem you’re starting to become.”
She blanched, face paling as she put exaggerated distance between us. “I’ll be good.”
I rolled my eyes at her dramatics. “You don’t have a choice. Think of this as your first and last warning.”
“You don’t mean that. I’ve been by your side for too long. I’m your friend.”
“You’re replaceable. I have no issue removing anyone disloyal from the new life I’m building.”
I flipped the file shut and blocked out her presence. Niklaus had helped himself to an apple and sat watching us with a smirk. The delinquent fuck.
“Set everything up for the fifteenth, and make sure everyone knows about my new guest.”
“Will do,” he replied, grabbing his bag. “Walk me out. I’ve got that other thing you needed in the car.”
It was nearing midnight.
As I expected, Catalina had remained in her room all night. I thought of going to her, but ultimately decided against it.
I was an extremely patient man. In the end I always got what I wanted.
Soon enough she’d be mine in all the ways that mattered.
Hearing a soft beep, I looked away from the computer screen I’d been immersed in half the night. There was the sound of footfalls, and then a minute later Demetri appeared at the bottom of the stairs.
“I got exactly what you requested,” he said.
“Thank you.”
“Would you like me to bring it in now? Or should I wait?”
“Did you already kill it?”
“Was…I not supposed to?”
I grinned and waved him off. “No, you were, this one is nothing but a prop. I know you don’t like to always deal with all the blood.”
I clicked off the screen I was on and pulled up the house’s security feed. “She’s asleep. You can bring it down now just try not to make too much noise.”
I returned my attention to the spreadsheet I’d just pulled up. When he continued to linger, I knew he had something he wanted to discuss.
Demetri was a quiet man, but when he had anything to say he always said it with honesty, which was why he was one of my most trusted confidants.
We’d met in our freshman year of high school. A group of rich pussies were terrorizing him in the locker room. With a severe speech impediment, they saw him as an easy target. I saw them as expendable and since their parents cashes the checks, they must have too. He’d been somewhat of a shadow ever since.
“What is it?” I asked.
“Miss Haven--Catalina. Is she going to be a permanent resident, or will she be getting her pick of her desserts?”
“Didn’t we discuss this?” I leaned back in my chair, curious to hear his response. He never took much interest in my personal affairs unless they posed a risk to Dream Garden.