Page 18 of Opaque Melodies (Coveting Delirium 1)
“I didn’t mean to scare you. Here, sit down.” He took hold of my upper arm and led me to the sofa. I sunk down and he crouched in front of me, pulling my hand away.
He gently probed the area, examining what had turned red.
“I know that hurt like a sonofabitch, but I think you’ll live,” he teased. His impossibly blue eyes stared up at me from beneath thick lashes. A genial smile curved his lips.
After a minute of us studying one another, something we seemed to do quite often, his gaze fell. I felt the caress of his eyes as they moved over my skin.
“You have nice legs,” he remarked quietly.
“Uh, well, I’m fine now. It doesn’t hurt anymore,” I chirped, thinking it would get him to remove his hand from my knee. It didn’t.
The twisted part of me rejoiced, silently urging him to reach a little higher, slip beneath my dress and touch the place that was aching for his attention.
I wanted him to finger fuck my cunt until I came all over his fingers. I’d lick each inch of them clean before I deep throated his cock. He’d slip inside me after I sucked him dry. Not gently, though. He’d force his way in before I was ready, I’d love it. He would fuck me until I bled, until I saturated his dick and could no longer feel my legs.
“You’re breathing just changed,” he noted almost absentmindedly, continuing to gently rub my knee. “You’re warmer.”
I listened to see if I could hear myself, but the only thing I detected was the rapid pounding of my heart. The change in the way my chest rose and fell was subtle, but he’d noticed.
Did that mean he noticed me?
If his hand wasn’t rubbing against my skin would he know how hot I felt inside?
His eyes returned to mine, probing too deeply for comfort. I swallowed around the sudden lump in my throat and attempted to divert my gaze.
“Where did you just go, bellissima?”
“I didn’t go anywhere.”
His hand left my knee and cupped my chin. He turned my head and forced me to meet his stare head on. “You don’t have to tell me what you’re really thinking, but don’t ever lie to me.”
“W-what does that b word mean?” I deflected, cursing myself for stuttering. Never in my life had someone rendered me a tongue-tied mess.
Without answering my question, he let me go and laughed under his breath, rising to sit beside me on the sofa, his intoxicating cologne flowing into my air space. He stared across the room at the piano, looking thoughtful.
I toyed with one of the sunflowers near the hem of my dress, checking him out through my peripheral.
He was freshly shaven, the dusting of his stubble low and neat. The hair on his head was styled to be messy, but sophisticated. Needing to fill the silence and stop myself from eye fucking him before I combusted, I shifted and motioned towards the piano.
“Is the heavy usage from you, or my sister?”
“Your sister hated that piano. She wanted to replace it with a pool table. I need to play, so the piano stayed.”
“It helps me…” he narrowed his eyes in thought. “Unwind, you could say. Calms me down.”
I understood that all too well. I knew what it felt like to need the beauty of the melodic beast too.
“And you? From your posture to your skill, you’re no novice. Why did you tell me you didn’t play?”
“I don’t. Not anymore. My Nan taught me when I was younger.”
“Then I already know she’s an amazing woman.”
“She was…”
He turned to look at me. “Was?”
“She’s gone.” A burst of emotion clogged my throat, making my reply barely audible. I shifted away from him, swallowing it down. “Sorry. I don’t usually talk about her.”
He reached over and took hold of my hand. “You don’t have to apologize for that, ever. And if you do ever feel the need to talk about it, I’ve been told I’m a good listener.”
“I bet you have,” I laughed.
“Has anyone ever told you that you’re very hands-on?” I nodded to where he still had hold of me.
“Do you have a problem with me touching you?”
“The right answer is yes.”
“Catalina,” he sighed. “If this were a test you would have failed. The answer is wrong if it’s incorrect.”
With a firm, gentle tug he slid me closer to him. His eyes dipped to my mouth, and the temperature in the house magnified. I knew it was coming. I even attempted to move away before it could happen despite the horny voice inside my head cheering me on. I’d have gotten away cleanly if Alaric hadn’t anticipated my retreat.
He reached up and grabbed the back of my neck, bringing my mouth to his. Soft lips pressed against mine.
He released my arm and moved his hand to my thigh, pulling me even closer. I melted into his touch, parting my lips without hesitation. His tongue slipped into my mouth, the lingering hint of something mint skipping along my taste buds. His fingers tangled in my hair, turning the kiss from soft to impassioned.