Page 4 of Hard Fix
I raised my beer in reply and made eye contact with one of them. She smiled. I felt it in my groin. The girl was busty, with red painted lips, jet-black hair, and pale skin that looked soft and creamy all the way across the bar. Her smile was mesmerizing, and her blue eyes twinkled with excitement. I took a sip while she pounded back the shot.
I tried not to look at her, not to check out her tempting cleavage or the cupid’s bow above her full lips. I could feel her gaze on me while I tried hard to focus on the guys.
A few minutes later and the waitress was tapping on my back. When I turned around, she had a round of shots and hollered over the music as she pointed to the girls. They were paying us back. I wasn’t sure what that meant, but I took the shots from her graciously and gave her a tip. I took in the limes and the salt in the elegant setup, but top-shelf tequila still smelled like vomit.
But being the good sport, I raised my shot glass along with the others, smiled at the beauty, and tipped back my head. The alcohol spread through me like fire, and I shuddered with the aftertaste.
“Fuck. Let’s send them another round,” Jackson said as he slammed his glass down.
“Oh, no. We’re not going to start that dangerous game. You’ve got a wife to get home to, and as I recall from my college days, tequila takes the night off course—”
I was interrupted by the petite cocktail waitress tapping my back again. The girls had sent us another round. I tipped her, took the tray, and looked over to where they were sitting. Unfortunately, it must have been a parting glass because they were no longer at the bar.
“You go ahead, boys. Knock yourselves out. Someone needs to be fresh to open the shop tomorrow. Might as well be me.”
I felt two arms slip around my waist, and I turned in shock, thinking the waitress had lost her mind and was feeling me up.
“Hey, guys. Whatcha drinking?” It was the raven-haired lass with the killer smile. The one who apparently wanted me drunk so she could steal my wallet.
“Poison,” I said, clearing my throat of the burn. I’d taken the other shot for courage. I was usually the first one to approach. This girl threw my game off, and she was even hotter up close.
“What’s your name?” she asked me. Her figure was right out of a pin-up spread——curves everywhere you looked.
“Eddie. This is Jackson and Jimmy.” The boys smiled like they knew something I didn’t.
“I’m Laney Mills. Nice to meet you. You new in town?” she asked me suggestively. She laid her palm on my chest, and her touch already felt way too good.
“Passing through, more or less. This is one of my favorite cities to come to though.”
“Hospitality can’t be beat?” she asked me. My dick surged in my jeans. This girl was fresh, and she wasn’t shy about letting her intentions be known. Jimmy started talking up her friend, and Jackson removed himself to the pool game.
“Want another shot?” she asked me. She was so close I could smell her perfume and pick up her body heat. She smelled like sugar cookies, good enough to eat.
“I’m done. My body is a temple, and it can’t handle that stuff. I’ll fetch you another if you’re really up for it. How many have you had?”
She held up two fingers and pouted. Goddamn, she was sexy as fuck. Her skin was flawless, and she somehow reminded me of a curvy Snow White come to life.
Is three shots of tequila too much? I liked a woman completely in control of her faculties. I couldn’t stand a messy drunk.
“Did you eat yet? You want to go grab a bite? Get out of here?”
“I’d like that,” she said. When she licked her lips, my cock pressed into my zipper, begging to be let out.
We got ice cream and french fries. I watched her sober up. She just got prettier and prettier as the alcohol left her system. Curvy waist, big butt, huge tits that pressed into the square neckline of her dress like they wanted to escape. I couldn’t stop staring, taking in the fine piece of art in front of me. She had tattoos too, mostly dainty and pretty things. She also took glasses out of her purse when she tried to pay the bill. We argued back and forth until it got ripped in half between our hands. She laughed out loud.
“I like you, Laney. I like you a lot.”
“Too bad you’re not from around here. I could stand to see you again,” she said, finally acquiescing to me putting down my credit card.
The diner was packed, but I only had eyes for her. There was something about this girl that made me homesick, made me want to cuddle and curl up in her arms—of course after fucking her thoroughly.