Page 30 of Tamed By The Highlander (Kilts & Kisses 1)
Things like wrapping my arms around my bride and thanking the gods that she’s okay before I make sure she knows just how much I love her.
Chapter 12
At first, there was terror, and then it was just numb. But now, a couple of hours after the attack, I almost feel a sense of peace.
…It doesn’t exactly hurt that I’ve spent almost every second since defending myself with that spear in Hamish’s arms, feeling as safe as I’ve ever felt.
The marks from the attack on Hamish’s castle—well, my castle now too, I suppose—are still there. But the damage is being taken care of. Fires have been put out, defenses are being mended, and the wounded are being tended to. That’s where Ailith and I are, helping to bring water and fresh supplies to the nurses looking after those hurt in the attack, when we finally bump into Cat again.
She squeals, rushing into my arms and hugging me fiercely as we rock from side to side.
“We were so worried about you!” she whispers, still hugging me.
“And you’re okay?” I bite my lip, eying the blood on her dress. But Cat just grins. “Oh, it’s not mine. I’ve been tending to Lord Bruce. He was hurt defending us, you know.”
I almost don’t catch it, but when I see that spark in her eyes at the mention of Lord Callum Bruce’s name, I narrow in on it.
“You’re tending to him?”
Ailith snorts, and the blush that creeps quickly over Cat’s face is the only other clue I need. I grin widely at her, wagging my brows.
“Oh, well I do hope you’re taking good care of him, Catriona,” I say with a knowing grin. Cat’s blush only grows deeper as she uncharacteristically stammers for words.
“He’s wounded, Una,” she says testily, hearing the suggestive tone in my voice.
“Well isn’t it good he has you them?” Ailith says with a wide grin on her face.
“I’m a trained nurse, Ailith.”
She and I both try and hold back our laughter.
“Right, of course.” My tone is genuine, but my eyes don’t stop grinning at her. Cat blushes deeper.
“It’s medical, Una,” she snaps.
I grin. “I’m sure it is.”
I slowly frown though, looking around the hospital ward that’s been set up in the banquet hall.
“Wait, wasn’t Rhona with you?”
Cat frowns right back. “Wait, I thought she went with you, Ailith, to find Una after the attack?”
All three of us pale for a moment before suddenly, Cat’s shoulders drop, relief washing over her face as she nods past us.
“There she is. Rhona!”
Our friend looks pale—paler than she normally is, even. But when she looks up from her seemingly day-dreamy wander through the hall and sees us, her cheeks grow deep pink.
“You were right behind me!” Ailith scowls, hugging her when comes over. “I turned around and figured you’d stayed with Cat. But where’d you run off to?”
“Nowhere,” Rhona says testily and breathless, her voice guarded. I glance at Cat, who arches a brow right back at me.
“Nowhere?” Cat clears her throat. “Is nowhere the reason your lips are all swollen?”
Rhona’s eyes go wide, her face turning a bright crimson as her hand flies to her mouth.
“I—no, I…I think I ate something strange.”
“Uh-huh,” Cat says flatly, smirking at our friend.
Rhona’s face burns hotly as her eyes dart over the three of us.
“Well… Ailith has a kiss mark on her neck!”
Cat and I whirl just in time to see Ailith’s hand fly to the left-hand side of her neck as a little peep of surprise tumbles from her lips.
“Wait, hold on,” I gasp, staring at my friend. “Do you really?”
She swallows, her face pink.
Cat starts laughing. “Says the girl covering her neck up. You do realize at some point, you’re going to need that hand, right?”
Ailith glares at her, but her hand stays firmly covering her neck.
I shake my head. “What in the world did you all get up?”
My three friends just grin shyly, all three of them blushing and side-eyeing each other as I laugh and shake my head.
“Don’t think for a second that I’m done getting these stories out of you. All of you. I should demand it, come to think of it. It is my wedding celebration.”
“Very true,” Cat nods. “So, remind us why you’re here with us instead of locking yourself in the bedroom with your handsome new husband?”
This time, it’s my turn to blush fiercely.
Cat grins wickedly as she leans close.
“So…?” She whispers eagerly.
“How was it?” Ailith adds, biting her lip.
The heat on my face blazes hot as the sun.
“It was and is none of your business,” I say primly.
“Did it hurt?”
“Rhona!” I hiss, squirming under the questions. “It’s none of your—”
“Just tell us if it hurts, okay?” Ailith whispers shyly. “I mean, at least Rhona and I need to know what we’re in store for once we’re married.”
“Oh, and I don’t need to know?” Cat huffs.