Page 7 of As Luck Would Have It
She sat at the kitchen table and watched as Hawk cooked dinner for them. She wanted to help, but he seemed pretty adamant on doing all of it himself.
It was nice being catered to, and she couldn’t deny the view was pretty damn incredible.
He’d ditched the jacket and tie, and now had his shirtsleeves rolled up his muscular forearms. He’d even pulled out an apron, a few tomato splatters covering the crisp white material.
The dark slacks he wore were molded to his firm ass. His legs were muscular and big, like tree trunks.
He was a big guy and she couldn’t help the dirty images that came to mind.
It wasn’t too much longer before he started setting covered dishes on the table. She wasn’t ashamed to admit that the entire time she’d been checking him out, unashamedly liking the view, and thinking extremely inappropriate thoughts.
He sat down and smiled, looking proud, which in turn had her smiling. She shifted in the seat, feeling desire start in her belly before filling her completely.
The small talk had been pretty limited, and she knew it was because despite how confident Hawk acted, he was nervous.
“Hopefully it’s edible,” he said and winked.
“It looks so delicious.”
He started taking the lids off. “I hope you eat meat.”
She smiled. “I do.”
“So this is a seared ribeye drizzled with a mustard peppercorn sauce.” He lifted the lid to another dish. “With chive mashed potatoes.” He opened a third lid. “And roasted broccoli and tomatoes with olive oil.”
The scents coming from the dishes had her mouth watering and her stomach growling.
“It looks incredible.”
He grinned and stared dishing out the food. “Let’s dig in then.”
For the next twenty minutes they ate, the small talk comfortable. She learned he’d wanted to own his own business and bake since he was a child. She also learned he’d gone into the military fresh out of high school. But after getting wounded he got an honorable discharge and had decided that life was too short to not follow his dreams.
Felicity had told him that she too had wanted to be a baker since she was a child, but it had taken her until she was an adult to go after her dreams.
She was actually surprised at how comfortable she was around him, and how quickly that had all transpired. For as long as she kept him at a distance, hated him because she thought that would be better in the long run, Felicity felt herself falling for him so fast and hard there was no way she could have guarded herself.
The floodgates of emotions opened, and she didn’t fight it, didn’t try and stop herself from feeling them.
He leaned back in the chair and smiled, the scruff along his jaw making him look so masculine. His shoulders were broad, his button-down shirt formed to all the hard planes of his chest, the masculine power coming from him in waves.
There was no way she could’ve stopped the arousal that coursed through her veins.
Felicity clenched her thighs together and hoped that it would help stem off the flow of desire, but all that did was add pressure to her pussy, making her crave him even more, making her think about all the things they could do together, in his bed … naked.
“Hawk.” His name come from her on a whisper, something that she hadn’t been able to stop. The air changed, shifted, and she felt the temperature in the room increase.
He was close enough to her that she could have reached out and touched him, or maybe brought him in close. Felicity was hungry, hungry for Hawk, and she had never felt something so intense before.
“What are you thinking?” he asked in a deep rumble.
She licked her lips. “What do you what?” she asked in return, not answering his question, not trusting herself to be that honest.
He was silent for a long moment.
“I want you,” he said gruffly.
The air left her and she picked up her glass of wine and took a long sip. A little liquid courage was what she needed right now.
She was tired of fighting her desire for Hawk. She was so tired of it that she was ready to give in.
Felicity set the glass down. “You do?” she asked, her voice shaking, breathless.
He nodded. “I really fucking do. I have for a long time.” He leaned in a little closer to her and she held her breath.
She felt her heart slam hard against her ribs, felt her pulse beating at the base of her throat.
“Tell me what you want,” he demanded gruffly.
Everything in her body was alive, lit up like she was on fire. “You.” The word spilled from her on its own and she gasped at the honestly that had just come from her.
And then he leaned in and kissed her and Felicity couldn’t do anything but open her mouth, touch his tongue with hers, and moan in pleasure.