Page 19 of As Luck Would Have It
He gripped the back of his neck, knowing he wanted an answer but in order to get it, he had to be patient.
“If you want to go over there, I understand. I want grandkids some day and the only way to get that is for you to give them to me.”
Hawk laughed. “Don’t you think you’re talking a bit soon for kids?”
“Nah, not at all.” His father winked at him. “Go over there. Go and talk to her. It can’t hurt, you know.”
“Wow, you’re giving me time off.”
“Go and see your woman. Talk to her. Tell her what an awesome granddad I’d be.”
“I’d probably scare her off.”
“Don’t go making the woman do all the work. I know you’re supposed to give them space and stuff, or in this new era of dating, they’re the ones that are supposed to chase you.” His father wrinkled his nose. “I don’t agree with that. Women need to be loved and if they give you a chance to be part of their lives, take it. I know I did with your mother and I don’t regret a single day I spent with her. I love her so much and will always love her.”
“You know, Dad, she’d want you to move on,” Hawk said. He hated seeing his father alone.
He looked up. “I know, son. When I’m ready, I will.”
“What is holding you back?”
“I’m holding myself back.”
“Son, I loved your mother. I devoted every waking moment to making her happy. My love was that strong and that powerful, I couldn’t imagine myself with anyone else. That love will never go away. I will never allow a woman to feel second best. When I know I can move on, and that I can give my new partner all of my love without guilt, then I know I’m ready. Until then, I will not break a woman’s heart. This world is already a shit hole. I don’t need to add to it by being one of those men.”
Hawk was never prouder to be his father’s son than in that one moment.
“Thanks, Dad.”
“No, thank you, son. Now, go, and see if you can win that girl for good. Great grandad material right here.”
Hawk burst out laughing, but walking across the road, he saw the bakery was shut.
He knocked on the door, and waited a few seconds before seeing Felicity come out from the back. The street was blocked off so no one could see the floats before the parade.
Felicity unlocked the doors and smiled at him. “Hey,” she said.
“Hey, back.” He glanced behind him, seeing his father standing at the door, with his thumbs up. “Can I come in?”
She giggled. “Does your dad want you to come in too? If he wants some baked goods, we’ve got some left over.”
“He’d definitely not say no to your baked goods.”
Felicity closed the door and turned to grin at him. “I’m just trying out some new things while I wait for Rebecca to get back. Want to watch me bake, or I can get you something to drink?”
“Yes to both.”
Felicity walked ahead in front of him, and he watched the sway of her ass, and it made him ache to take her again.
Focus. You’re here for the future, not just for a little fun.
“Actually, Felicity, wait, I wanted to talk to you, to be honest with you.”
She stooped and turned to face him. “Honest with me?”
“I love you. I want you in my life always.” He let those words hang in the air for a moment. “I see us having a future, you being my wife, the mother of my children. And I wanted you to know that. I wanted to know if you felt the same way.” He stared into her eyes and saw her smile.
“Hawk. I thought I told you my answer with my kiss? But, if you weren’t sure,” she said and stepped up to him, “I love you and want all of that, too. I can’t see a life without you in it.”
Felicity and Rebecca stood on their float, a bucket of candy in Rebecca’s arms and colorful beads wrapped around Felicity’s hand.
Rebecca tossed some candy out to the crowd, the little kids scurrying around the ground to pick up the pieces. Felicity tossed the beads out next, laughing as they went for those as well.
There was a live band between theirs and Hawk’s floats, the peppy song they played keeping everybody uplifted.
It was a chilly day for March, but there were free hot chocolate stands set up, everyone holding paper cups as steam rose up over the top. She glanced over at Hawk and smiled, seeing that he had his focus trained right on her.
She thought about their conversation earlier, how he said he wanted her as his always, that he saw a future with them, marriage, a family. And that’s what she wanted too. And if she were being honest, that’s what she’d always wanted.